8. Impossible

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Kara POV

I don't know how. Every odd was against me but I did it somehow. The adrenaline that pumped through my veins was inmense.

One second, the bomb was on Luthor and Barry. The other it was on my hands. I fly as high as I can manage those few nanoseconds I have left. With only one thought on my mind: I have to save Barry Allen.
When it detonates, I crouch myself over the bomb and I can swear I can hear my heartbeat ringing on my ears. I feel something punch hard against my chest and I watch the fire from the explosion as I'm falling down to Earth. My body seems to stop working.
I close my eyes and soon I hit the ground. Hard. Unfortunately, I don't pass put when I hit the pavement. I struggle to catch my breath and everything hurts. My ribs ate soar, my throat aches and every single muscle groans in despair. I try to stay concious but it's hard.
I gasp in pain and slowly turn on my stomach. I groan as it hurts like hell. When I finally turn around on my stomach I discover that Luthor stabbed Barry with the Kryptonite dagger.
He's motionless on the ground and I see black spots in my vision. I can see that Luthor is walking up to me. He's saying something but the sound is muffled by the screams in my head.
"Barry..." I croak out. He remains with his eyes closed and tears roll down my cheeks.
The pain multiplies when Luthor manages to attack my mind.
Memories of Barry, Alex, mom, dad, Winn and even James. They all appear in flashes. Their smiles are absent. They're angry, hurt. Dead.
I know that it's not real but my spirit is about to break.
"Kara...fight." I hear my aunt Astra whisper. The memories keep flooding me but I hang on in her voice.
When she says that, extraordinary strength fills me and I bombard the bad memories with good ones.
Barry and I singing, Alex with Maggie, thanksgiving with mom, meeting James, joking with Winn. And finally...Mon El.
"Maybe I can have everything." I watch myself tell MonEl and he kisses me. However there's a change in the memory.
"Kara...let Barry in. I want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy, to be loved." He whispers putting his forehead against mine. Those words seem to release a breath, I didn't know I was holding. Tears roll down my face torrentially.
"I'll always love you." I cup my hand on his face and then it ends and I wake up. I'm still on the ground but I feel like I'm taller than him.
Luthor seems to be confused. His eyes widen when he looks at me. I see his suit propulse into the air. I'm too tired to go after him. But...this day and now, I beat him.
The quiet fills me when I watch Barry. With effort I drag myself against the tarmac with whatever strength is left. Finally, I manage to get there.
"Barry, don't you dare leave me!" I scream and try to stop the bleeding on his abdomen.
"Don't you dare!" Tears fill me up. Not him. Please.
J 'onz J'onz lands right next to me and kneels putting his palm against my back while I cry.
"Kara, it'll be fine." His voice is soft against the noise inside of me.
"No, no, no..." I repeat and then my body gives up and I close my eyes.
"Barry! Barry! Where's Barry?" I shout as I wake up in a jump. I'm disoriented for a minute. Almost crazy.
"Kara! Kara, calm down, he's fine." Winn grabs my hand and I remove the breathing tubes of my nostrils.
"I need to find him, I need to..." James rushes into the room and grabs my other hand.
"Kara lie down." He commands but I'm histeric. The red sun chamber makes me feel claustrophobic.
"No!" I shout and stand up.
"Kara lie down!" Winn screams at me.
"He's okay. Barry's okay." Winn spreads his arms in front of him like he's being careful.
"I need to see him." My voice booms.
"Kara, lie down dammit!" James shouts and I remain quiet giving him a hard stare
"Please." He adds and my mouth opens in surprise as I hear the tiredness in his voice. Winn has his hands on his pockets.
When I do as they command, I feel the wave of pain and exhaustion wash over me.
"Can I go now? I ask the nurse and she archs her eyebrows as if saying: try me.
"Hey, Kara." Barry's velvety voice reach my ears and I look at him. He's leaning on the door frame with my favorite dorky smile. I immediately sit up.
"Barry..." I hold my breath and examine him with my eyes, making sure he's okay and he seems so.
"I'm okay." Is as if he read my mind. I sigh and close my eyes for a minute
"Don't do that again. " After relief comes anger.
"What?" He asks and step forward.
"Not trusting me. You could've been killed. I knew what I was doing." I try to sound angry but his green eyes are calming.
"I messed up. I know." He admits and I look away.
"You should've trust me." I whisper. He nods in agreement.
"Sorry." He whispers.
"I guess, if you're okay, it's okay." He throws an appreciative smile at me. I give it back.
"Are you okay?" He nods his head at me.
"Yeah!" I wave my hand dismissively.
"Kara..." He has a thinking face on. "You gave a hell of a fight."
"Yeah." I breath out and tuck my hair behind my ears.
"It was...impressive." I raise an eyebrow.
"Where is this going?" He walks up to my bed and sits down looking at me with a unreadable impressions.
"Kara, J'onz J'onz told me that, that bomb was designed to kill much more than just Luthor. It was mortal for any human, robot or..." He hesitates
"What?" I urge.
"Or a kryptonian. But you. You did the impossible. The moment that bomb went off you, should've been killed but something kept you going...I don't understand how you're still alive." He wonders and I smile at his confusion.
"You see... I have a tendency of defying the impossible." I respond. He smile and lays beside me. I rest head on his shoulder.
"I don't know what I would've done if I had lost you." He whispers and we fall asleep next to each other.

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