14. Indestructible

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Caitlin POV

"That was such a dirty trick Cisco and you you know it!" I point my accusing finger at Cisco, in the storage room's dim light. Cisco seems frustrated as he puts his face on his hand, his hair hanging to side of his face.

"What did you want me to do!?" He asks is harsh whisper, hoping Barry doesn't come by. Not that he will because he's beating himself up in worry in the cortex about Kara.

"I don't know! But, really?! Using Kara as an excuse? Telling him she's in danger?! Lying to him?" I snap and he shuts up, rolling his eyes to the ceiling.

"It's Barry Allen we're talking about, Cisco! The overprotective, caring and very easy-to-worry Barry Allen, Ramon. A carrying-the-weight-of-the-world-on-my-shoulders Barry Allen!" I add. He stops to think and so do I. There's quiet between us for a moment.

"We need to, at least, keep him long enough for him to visit Iris. If..." He glares at me and so I don't finish my sentence.

"It doesn't matter, he needs to go back to Kara's world. Now." Cisco commands. Silently, we start planning.


Barry POV

"I need to go. I need to go." I have my back leaned against the wall while hugging my knees to my chest. The only detail is that Cisco keeps telling me to wait. He keeps telling me to wait for Iris. But it's not Iris I want to see. Not really.

"Barry, she's coming." Joe offers me his  hand to lift myself up form the floor and I take it. The unease inside of me is growing every second. I need to go. What if Lex Luthor has Kara. What if she's already...dead. What if...

"Barry..." I hear a soft voice calling me and I lift my gaze and remove my hands from the back of my neck.

Standing there is a very surprised Iris. She looks beautiful, to be honest. My heart skips for a second. Her hair looks like a beautiful cascade rolling off her shoulders and her eyes...her eyes, seem full of vitality. A vitality I had missed ever since I saved Iris instead of that little girl.

"Iris..." I trail off when se comes to hug me. I wrap my arms around her and breath out in relief. She's okay.

"I missed you so much, Barry! We stopped Savitar! Wally and the team did it, we managed to change time. He's trapped in the speed force, we're alive..." She seems anxious as words rush out of her. And I feel overwhelmed. I look at Wally and his lips widen to the sides with pride. Iris isn't going to die. 

"You did it?!" I smile in surprise. HR plays with his drumsticks and nods. The relief taking over me is immense. I warp my arms around her tightly with a big smile on my face. I mouth a 'thank you' to the team as they ned in response.

"Iris, that's great!" I cup her face on my hands and suddenly she kisses me. Her lips explore mine, it should feel familiar but it doesn't. I stay there for a few seconds, stars trucked. 

If you find out that you still have to choose between me and her... do me a favor and never come back.

Kara's voice resonates on my memory and I pull away immediately. Iris looks at me, plainly confused and hurt.

"Barry?" She calls but I feel distant. From everyone. I feel like something was taken from me, the moment Iris planted her lips on mine. As if someone planted an atomic bomb on my heart and it just detonated.

"Barry!" Joe calls after me after I sprint out of the room

Kara POV

"I was selfish. This is on me." I tell Alex after flying all the way to Hawaii, landing on her hotel room. The moon shinning spectacularly against the crystalline waters of the beach. I'm sitting on the bed with Alex next to me, holding my hand, but I feel ridiculous after explaining the whole story.

"Why do you say that?" She asks me, tilting her head to the side, pity in her eyes.

"Alex, I literally told him to never come back if he had to still had choose between his family and me! I made him choose, Alex." The image of Barry running into the portal plays on replay into my mind.

"Why don't you go to his Earth. If it's bothering you so much, you should talk to him." I squint my eyes and release a sigh, knowing that that's impossible.

"I'm not that fast." I mutter between my teeth. Alex looks at me, fiercely, her dark eyes screaming words I can't hear.

"Kara, you're as fast as you want to be. No, wait, let me refresh that...You're as fast as you want to be for  Barry Allen." I smile, unsure wether to believe what Alex's saying or not. However, there is some truth to what she's saying. I remeber the bomb...that was supposed to kill me, which in fact didn't because I was thinking about Barry or when I defeated evil me for the exact same reason and...OH MY GOD.

I'm inde-freaking-structible when it comes to having Barry Allen around.

"Wait, you're right." I point at Alex, deep in thought. Suddenly electricity flows through me and awakes me with a sense of determination that hasn't reached the surface since Barry left.

"Kara?" Alex asks cautiously, knowing that I'm have a bad plan. And she is right it is probably the most unrealistic plan ever...I'm going to run until I'm fast enough to open up a portal to Barry.


Barry POV

"I knew I'd find you here." Joe's voice booms over the large tunnel of the particle accelerator. I sit there with my back slouched against the metallic wall and my legs spread out. I rest my gaze on the distance and remain still, until Joe sits down besides me.

"So...tell me, what's wrong?" I sigh and try to concentrate on what I'm saying before thinking about Kara's perfumed blond hair.

"I cant tell you. Specially not you." I mentally slap myself and burry my face into my hands, all hopes of keeping this inside of me, gone. He chuckles before saying:

"What? That you're not in love with Iris anymore?" That takes me by surprise and I look at Joe with my eyes widened and my mouth open without words to roll out of it. My heart beats faster and I'm suddenly ware about my sweaty palms. Joe looks straight across him with an emotionless expression.

"How did you-"I start but he cuts me off.

"Your eyes. Both of you. The way your eyes filled with fear when CIsco told you about Kara. And also when Iris watches the new guy at Central City Picture News and pretends not to, every time I come in..." His face unreadable. My thoughts race across when he tells me about Iris. I wonder if she fell in love with someone else, like I did.

"Joe, I'm-" He cuts me off, yet again.

"Please, for my sake, don't say you're sorry. We get to choose many things but not who we fall in love with, Barry. It's okay. And after you left, I knew that if you came back, things wouldn't be the same way that they were. Iris has forgiven you and so have I, but we also moved on. I will always love you Barry. And you and Iris' love life won't change that." I hug my father, feeling more than happy, feeling free.

Feeling like I need to get someone back.


"I made it! Oh my god! I finally made it!" I hear familiar cheers on the cortex as I walk in. There is a very happy and messy Kara with her fists up in the air. I notice her boots are black as if they were burnt and her hair flipping at all directions.

I can't speak for a moment, as my mind tries to find a reasonable explanation as to how she got here and why, but also, what to say to her now.

She turn around and smile nervously at me, regaining her composure.

"Hi, Barry." She waves at me. I'm petrified with my mouth open and my eyes fixing on her with both admiration and astonishment.

"I think I need to eat. How may calories did you say you need to-to-" that's what she says before collapsing into the floor. 

My little angel literally ran herself to exhaustion to reach Barry...so, yep, that happened.

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