16. Let go

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Caitlin POV

"You lied to Barry. Again." Cisco runs his fingers through his hair, nervously pacing from side to side of the medical wing in Star Labs.

"I didn't lie." It's like he's tryig to reassure himself and not me. He doesn't look at me and continues walking around, the way he does when something's killing him.

"It's called lies of omission, Cisco." I scold and I walk up to him, urging him to stop moving. I can feel his stress a mile away. He tries to fake a smile but I know he's feeling horrible. Cisco Ramon is not the kind of guy who lies to you and forgets about it in a couple of hours.

"Cisco, this is much bigger than us. We need help." I tell him and we both stare at each other when an idea hits us at the same time. I shake my head, knowing we're probably getting in trouble, but deep down we know that there's no way in hell we're not going to try.


Barry POV

"Julian, did you figure out were Savitar is?" I ask him, while my hands shake uncontrollably. He shakes his head and I breath in worry, praying something will come up.

"How about Kara?" I ask again and he shakes his head no, once again. I close my eyes for a moment, wondering were she might be. Wondering if she's okay. All I know is that she's still on my Earth, since there's no multiversal activity spikes anywhere.

"I wish I could fix everything." I mutter to myself, but Julian manages to hear me, he stands up and leans against the desk, his eyes clawed to the floor.

"Barry, you aren't in charge of fixing any of this. It's not your fault. Sometimes were given choices but to be pretty damn honest, we don't really get to choose." I hear him carefully and try to convince myself it's true.
But Savitar did have a choice.
He chose to be consumed by all that pain. That pain that hangs on my chest right this second.
I wonder if we are the same person after all.

Caitlin POV

"Well, we should figure out a plan!" I start to feel hope for the first time in weeks after Cisco told me what he was hiding. Maybe, Team Flash will figure itself out of this one.

"Not here." He whispers harshly and I tilt my head trying to figure out what the hell he's talking about.

"Why?" I ask. "Shhhhh!" He shushes me with a finger on his lips, I get startled and wait for him to talk.

"She's listening..." I look around the room but find no one 'listening', except Cisco.

"What?" I whisper and he steps in close to me.

"Remeber, Supergirl has super hearing? She can be listening to us right this second, Caitlin." I nod my head acknowledging Cisco's piont.

"How did you know?" I cross my arms over my chest expectantly.

He stutters "I-It's obvious, I figured it out."

"You vibed her." I conclude and he closes his eyes, knowing he did something wrong. "I vibed her." He concludes along with me.

"Explain yourself, Ramon. Now." I hiss venomously.

"Do a she says." I hear Kara say behind us and I turn around in surprise. Her eyes seems a little more tired than usual when the light that filters through STAR labs illuminates her. Her arms seems to fall lazily down her hips.

"Kara? Where were-" I start however Cisco interrupts. "In the stratosphere." He responds for her and that's when I notice that Cisco has been keeping a close eye on her. I squint my eyes at him for being such a stalker and he curses under his breath looking away.

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