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5th January 2020; now

As much as Michael hated being in a prison he loved the routine.

He woke up every day at six thirty and made up his bed. Then he took his journal and crossed another date from his handmade calendar.

683 days of hell left.

Then he wrote a few lines on the letter that he sent out to his mother every Monday, he checked his diary if he had any visitors that day and planned his day to a minute.

It was Sunday and that meant fitness day. Even though it was the beginning of January and even when all the prisoners decided on the new year, new me mantra Sundays were football days. That meant ninety percent of guards and prisoners were gathered in the TV room watching whatever game their TV programs streamed.

For Michael that meant empty fitness room, no fights or injuries with barbells, and more peace.

For the past three weeks, Michael was trying to get used to the idea he was getting a new cellmate. Big J was released at the beginning of December and Michael hated getting to know new people. He wasn't one to fit into groups and J was okay with that. Since they were in low-security prison there weren't many fights and Michael didn't need protection from anyone. Yes, he wasn't muscular and loud so he got picked up on by newbies but at the end of the day even in prison everyone just wanted peace.

As the wake-up alarm went off Michael patiently waited for the door to open before he stood up in front of his cell.

He said good morning to the guards and waited for them to search him and his room for anything that wasn't supposed to be there. The guards then gathered them into lines and each of them got their wash bag with their toothbrushes.

Just as Michael stepped under the shower he got tapped on the shoulder.

He turned to see Jon, his ex-cellmate looking at him with a smile on his face. Jon was nice but he didn't know much about personal space.

"Morning Clifford, looking forward to new bros coming today?"

Michael shook his head. "You see Lizard, that's why you always get beat up. Calling angry hundred and fifty kilos heavy man bros."

"C'mon Michael, that happened like once."

"You know you're lucky he realized you were into dad jokes otherwise you'd probably get sat on at one point."

Jon was known for sucking up to everyone he could get any use from. He made sure to fit in with everyone and got the nickname lizard soon after coming to the Red Castle prison.

The reason why Michael was well known all around the minimum security prison was because Big J told everyone about his mad skills when it came to nicknames.

Your name might be John Doe when you come to the prison but any nickname had to go through Michael.

That's why Michael didn't like newbies. They would sometimes come to disturb Michael's free time, waiting for him to hear about what do they do or what were they called before.

It was a nuisance really to someone who just wanted peace.

"You know what Clifford? One day you'll need my help with all those nicknames and you'll be begging for my help. But with that attitude." Dramatically Lizard checked Michael's naked body out. "We'll have no deal."

"Deal," Michael responded and stepped towards the guards to get his uniform back.

Next on Michael's schedule was breakfast. His and everyone else's.

Followed by that was art class and then lunch.

After lunch was what Michael was waiting for. Peace in the gym.

When he came to prison a year and a half ago he wasn't much of a gym person. Or better said he was as much of a gym person that you'd expect a hacker and a computer geek to be.

But Michael soon realized there were only that many sudokus, books, and crosswords he could solve or read and he had to expand his interests and hobbies.

Sunday meant gym day, Mondays and Fridays were reserved for board games and poker, Tuesdays and Thursdays were reading days, Wednesdays were whatever days and Saturdays were visit days.

At exactly two-thirty pm he and two other guys gathered in front of the gym door waiting for the guard to let them in.

Michael decided to hit some weights and stared at his reflection in the mirror checking the correct muscles were flexing. Big J was a fitness instructor before he got into prison for car theft and made sure to teach Michael all about fitness machines and best workouts.

Not that Michael cared but he did feel better after doing nothing all week.

He sighed as he noticed Lizard in the mirror coming towards him with a grin on his face.

"Hey, Cliffy."

"Lizard I told you already that I'll rename you to something worse if you'll keep calling me that."

Jon completely ignored what was said and sat down on the machine Michael just wanted to use.

"So I accidentally overheard the guards talking about the new incomers and guess what I've heard?"

"The last time you accidentally did anything you ended up in prison so I don't even want to hear it."

"Oh, but you will."

The look on the pale man's face was intrigued enough for Michael to let down his weights.

"Guess who's on the list?"

Michael gave him an unimpressed look.

"Your boyfriend."


"Luke Hemmings."


Luke who?

This chapter was more an informative kind, please keep in mind I've never been to prison nor have I ever watched Prison Break (only first season of oitnb); Prisons are different all around the world and this one exists in my head. Minimum security so something like oitnb but not that easy going.

Also, time will only skip from now to x-s days till and the latter will only progress forward. And the days aren't that important, all you need to know is the moments leading to D day and what's happening now. If you have any other questions, please ask so I can then add more information to the previous chapter.



Michael's character so far?

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Love, Lucija ♡

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