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24.1.2020; Now

It was Friday which meant poker day. Also the day Michael liked to be left alone.

While the prisoners couldn't gamble for money so they placed their bets in a form of food, work, and favors.

Not all prisoners liked or knew how to play so they would bet on who the winner will be. Normally people placed their bets on Michael and left him alone to not ruin his day.

That, of course, wasn't Lizard who liked to annoy Michael every day no matter the occasion.

"You ex is a catch." He said when he sat down next to Michael at breakfast. "I presumed you had high standards but to get someone like him." Jon whistled. "You did well."

"Your point is?" Michael asked in a monotone voice, chewing his cereal.

"That I'm glad he's single."

"You leave him the fuck alone."

Lizard grinned. "I knew you still had hots for him. Not blaming you, he is a nice piece of.."

He didn't get to finish that sentence. One of the big guys who liked to place his bets on Michael sat next to the poker player in order to make sure Lizards wasn't bothering him.

"I've heard you aren't playing tonight?" The guy asked. Michael nodded.

"Now that Tristan is back I got him as my cellmate and he told me he made three of the new guys play. I'll just watch today. We don't want any of them to turn out to be better than me, do we?"

The big guy only nodded and returned to his table.

"You're full of bullshit Clifford." Lizard laughed. "You're not playing because your boy toy is. Are you afraid?"

"I'm not lying. He's a better player than everyone else here."

"Better than you?"

Michael snorted. "Don't get ahead of yourself. I just want people to think I got some decent opponents so I'll win more money the next time."

That was an excuse Lizard might have believed, but Michael himself didn't.

14.2.2017; 394 Days before

Ever since Michael met Luke his life got a bit better.

A lot better actually.

He felt guilty because they've been seeing each other for months now and Michael learned all of Luke's secret. Luke on the other side knew almost nothing about him.

Not that he was hiding anything shady but he just didn't to share his burden with others.

Since the day Michael took Luke out to their coworker's birthday party Luke has changed a lot.

The green-eyed man knew Luke liked to keep his thoughts to himself, he didn't enjoy being around people. After two or three drinks the words he used for that were that people are just stupid and treat him like he's stupid because he's so smart.

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