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1.2.2020, Now

"What do you mean Jace? Luke, I know you're super smart but I'm not following." Michael sighed. "Seriously I'm not even sure you're not just making this up."

"I'm sorry. You should probably read the letters. I know you don't want to hear me talk so much-"

Michael raised his arm. "Stop. Just explain again. Jace and my uncle are what? Is Jace a spy and what do you mean he's been spying on me?"

"When I've first met your uncle I noticed there was something familiar about him. When you told me he was your father's brother I first thought that was that. Well, it wasn't. He's Jace's father and Jace is your cousin."

The surprise on Michael's face was clear.

"I and Jace got the job on the same day. We've been covering for each other and bitched about the bosses for years."

"Clearly that wasn't a coincidence. His father made a plan and a good one. He even had cameras in your apartment."

"How do you know it was him?"

"I checked the serial number of the cameras and they were ordered by him."

A small smile formed on Michael's lips. Like he was proud of Luke.

Finally, Michael crossed the cell and sat down next to Luke. He kept his distance but to the younger man, it meant everything. He made more progress in one hour than he did in the past two years.

All he had to do was get into jail.

"I still don't understand why he'd do that. If I'm such a threat to him why did he hire me?"

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Since you were trialed and Calum never replied to my calls I decided to try and get you out myself."


Michael's voice was stern.

"Don't Luke me. I screwed up. I know it wasn't only my fault but when I was in the hospital I froze. Your mum said that if we were to have a baby it doesn't need both of their parents in the prison so I should let you take the blame. It made all the sense at the time but when I found out I was fine it felt like I betrayed you on another level."

"I knew our plan was good. There was no way FBI would have any traces or hints if there wasn't someone dropping them. Of course, my first bet was your uncle. I followed him around for a bit, that's how I found about his relationship with Jace. After I found the cameras I knew your uncle if not the whole casino board had something towards you. I needed to know why. It wasn't because you were a threat as a gamer because they could just throw you out of the casino."

"To find out what I had to break into his house."

"Don't even tell me that was why you were arrested."

Luke blinked at Michael a few times.

"Luke you have to be kidding me. That's stupid on so many levels. Why would you risk your freedom for me?"

"Michael, I am the reason why you don't have your freedom."

"You wanted to save my mother."

"I didn't just lose you in the process but we lost her as well."

Michael looked down and whispered. "I don't blame you for that."

"Well, you should. If I wouldn't be so focused on that plan I could find out the truth about Jace and your uncle earlier."

"How would that help? We wouldn't be here but at least we tried to save her."

"The reason why I'm jail is that I broke into your uncle's safe. I found your father's will in which he left his share of the casino and other business the board owned to you."

That was too much information for Michael.

"That's important for you to know. Mali Hood tried just as much to keep me out of the prison. Like she did when she tried to get me into this prison. We had to get to you so we couldn't not only build on my case but on yours as well."

The bell rang loudly just as Luke tried to explain another one of his plans further.

"You need to let Calum work with Mali on my case-"

"Clifford! Hemmings! Go to beds."

Michael stood up and obliged. Luke didn't stop talking.

"-It won't only help me but-"

"Hemmings! I said now."

"Go to bed Luke or they'll punish you."

Luke climbed under the thin sheets. His heart was beating fast.

A few minutes had passed before he finally dared to whisper.

"Promise me you'll still speak to me tomorrow, Mikey. You don't have to trust me but at least believe me when I say I want no harm." He waited for a couple of seconds before he added. "You can even never talk to me again as long as you let me help you to get what's yours. You have to let me do that."

Luke then stopped talking. He felt so much better after talking to Michael and even though he couldn't wait to wake up and tell him more he felt like he was finally able to sleep.

After two years some sort of peace started growing in his lungs.

"I promise."


Guess who's back?

Idk I love these chapters when everything comes together. I honestly hope it makes sense.

Tell me your honest opinion, thoughts?

What secrets are there left that you'd like to know?

Love, Lucija ♡

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