
2.5K 165 106

8th august 2016, 584 days before

The head of the Casino security was already waiting for Michael when he finally made it to the headquarters. It was a long way from the camera rooms to where they've held suspicious people for investigation.

Michael nodded to the first guard whose name he thought was Stanley. The second guard, Finn, had something against Michael since day one. He didn't like being bossed around, especially not by someone he once threw in the same room.

"What's up with this, Clifford?" The latter, annoying man asked.

Michael just smiled and walked passed him. "My job is to find the cheaters in this casino and deal with them, your job is to bring them in and make sure they don't escape. You do your job, I'll do mine."

He opened the door with his key card and walked into an all-black room. Michael had watched dozens of crime shows and had high expectation of how interrogation rooms should look like. This room looked nothing like any of the ones he's seen but it still didn't disappoint.

Blue eyes stared at him in shock as he stepped towards the table and sat down.

Michael took his work phone out and opened the message that was just sent to him. He opened the file and glanced from the phone back to the man in front of him.

"You're Luke Hemmings, correct?"

The man kept quiet and Michael smiled to himself. He loved confronting people way too much.

"You know why you're here Luke?"

Luke was biting his pierced lip and his wide, blue eyes could burn a hole into the metal table.

"I asked you a question. I'd suggest you start answering them."

"Or what?"

Michael smile widened. "Or I'll call the police. We ran a facial recognition on you and besides the name Luke Hemmings, three other names popped up. Now I don't know how familiar you are with the law but owning three different IDs isn't legal."

The blond was still breathing regularly and Michael almost doubted his tactic.

"I'm here because one of your security people invited me for a routine checkup."

"Do you know why we do routine checkups in places like this?"

Luke Hemmings shook his head. Being completely honest, Michael thought he was adorable.

"Because Mr. Hemmings here at Casino Royal we deal with money and money means that people get greedy and they steal and they cheat. As you probably already know, counting cards in Black Jack is illegal and therefore.." He looked at his phone again. "We'll be taking the ten thousand five hundred eighty-nine dollars and seventy-six cents you just made away from you. Since this is the first time we've held you up in our Casino we'll return the hundred dollars with which you've started the game as a sign of good will. If this happens again we'll be contacting the police and we'll also inform them about your other activities."

Michael stood up and offered the blond man his hand. "Have a nice day Mr. Luke Hemmings."

Luke looked from his hand back to Michael. "B-but I didn't cheat."

Michael laughed. "I'll admit it, you were good." He stepped away from the door and back towards the table. "If you want we can go back to the game room and you can play a few more rounds with me. If you win, you can get the money you think you won fairly. If not, we call the police."

When he didn't reply, Michael muttered an I thought so and left the room.

When a security guard came to escort Luke out he noticed there was a business card on the top of the table. He took it and only read it when he was on a bus back home.

Michael Clifford
Surveillance Officer and advisor
Casino Royal

5th January 2020, Now

"What the fuck Calum?!" Michael shouted into the phone, earning a stern look from one of the prison guards. The only reason he was allowed an extra phone call was because of the fact Calum Hood was his lawyer.

"So you've heard?"

His voice didn't reveal anything, any emotion whatsoever. That was something he highly appreciated about his lawyer and friend. But this wasn't the occasion.

"Calum I swear to god if this is one of your plans.."

"Shut up Michael. You're acting like you're five."

Michael tried to steady his breathing, he knew that if he flips out he'll have his rights taken away. "One thing Calum. When I hired you as my lawyer I asked for one thing. Not for you to keep me out of prison but to never say the name Luke Hemmings and to keep him away from me."

"Do you even know why he got convicted?"

"I. Don't. Care." Michael spat out. After Calum kept quiet he sighed. "Can you do something about it? Transfer me? Anything Calum please."

"Mikey, you know these things don't work this way. I'll call some people and I'll see you next Saturday. Just avoid him the best you can and please. Please don't do anything stupid."

They've said their goodbyes and Michael was escorted to his cell.

He lay down on the bunk and closed his eyes.

It was his biggest nightmare coming to life.


In my mind, these chapters should be much longer but there's no fluff or smut so then these are short.



Past part?

Now part?

Love, Lucija ♡

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