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This chapter is intense but no mayor warning is needed (of course if you think it is, do say so and I'll fix it).


In our time of dating, you've called me many things.

From the ones that confused me at first about my feelings towards you to the ones that made me completely fall for you.

You called me crazy before.

When you've called me crazy that day, your eyes were still tired looking and filled with sadness. It was my mission to turn it into hope so when you've left that day to visit your mum I've made a plan.

For once in my life, I used my brain for something I really cared about. I had the weapon to help your favorite person survive and I had all the intention to use it.

When you've come home, happier but still devastated I was waiting for you already.

I admit I haven't slept in a while so that must have caused a fanatic explanation of the plan. In the end, it worked. You agreed on it and I won't go too into details if somehow this letter gets to someone who isn't you.

The plan was simple but the execution of it wasn't.

The finale of the poker event was a month away and while you went in some low profile gaming events to gather some money for the robbery I did the logistics.

It's the 21st century so the cash money that was shown on the TV wasn't real. But the transaction that would be made after the best poker player would have won was.

I hired a small van with a fake commercial sticker on it and installed all of your computer in it.

You were the outside man while my mission was to sneak up inside and make the transaction from the casino's network. You had to accept the money right away and send it to a few fundraising accounts I've made for your mother.

We'd practice it over and over again.

Me sneaking in and out. Quick driving. We knew where to park for cameras not to be too suspicious.

Nobody suspected a thing when you went around the casino and asked a few innocent questions. They all felt sorry for you and they knew how much you enjoyed poker so they'd answer them without thinking too much.

Of course, all cameras were following you and the board with your uncle leading them wanted you gone as soon as possible.

I want to say it now before I continue that we made me proud. We didn't win but we most definitely didn't give up. We fought well and were the best team anyone could have been.

We practiced it again and again and again.

Until the big day came. You didn't want to but I've watched the game on the TV. They've played bad poker and if we'd be allowed we'd win. We never played against each other but I know it'd be us in the finale. That's how sure I was in us.

We were ready to go. We spent the morning in the hospital and you didn't know it was the last quality time you'd spend with your mum.

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