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3.2.2020, Now

"You look good," Calum told Michael for the first time since he got locked up.

Not that he was throwing those compliments at Michael before but in Calum's opinion Michael looked like shit. Physically he bulked up, gained some muscle and a bit of facial hair looked good on his face. Otherwise, he looked like shit. It was like he never slept, the bags under his eyes had bags under them, he was paler than a white wall and just looked like he was in pain all the time.

"If I knew you talking to Luke would do this to you I'd find some sort of a law that'd force you to."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Look, we only have half an hour and we need every minute of it."

Calum opened the folder he brought with him and got some papers out of it. He also got a pen and wrote the date and the place at the top of the blank sheet, Michael's name following. There was also a number that in Michael's presumption was the number of times they've met for a client-lawyer meeting.

"Before you tell me anything I need to know something, Michael," Calum spoke clearly and kept eye contact with his client and friend. "What do you want to achieve with this? We already had the chance to get you a smaller sentence and you didn't want to fight for it. You're just about halfway done with your sentence and you can get early release for good behavior. I can't get you out."

"I know. I have 654 days left and I'm okay with that. I'm serving my time for the crime I committed. There's no reason to argue that." He leaned over the table and continued in a much calmer and quieter voice. "What I need is to know what the fuck my uncle did and make him go behind the bars for all the crimes he did."

Calum wrote something down. "And what are they? The crimes you're talking about."

"Well for starters I'm pretty sure it's illegal for someone to set up video cameras into someone's apartment without them knowing. Calum me and Luke had sex on pretty much every possible spot there is."

"I didn't need to know that. Mali told me about that, what she doesn't know is if Luke has any evidence?"

"He had the cameras stored and he did check all of them for prints. There were his prints all over them. If Trevor Wellington did the dirty work himself you have to know it's personal."

Calum did more writing and asked more questions.

"Did Luke told anyone else about the cameras?"


"Do either of you have anything else that could get him to court?"

"Since I can't sue him for not helping my mother out I don't. Luke said he does but we didn't have time to talk about it."

Calum nodded and pulled some more papers out of his folder.

"Have you and Luke talked about why he's in prison?"

"Not really. You did say it was because of me a while ago when he first got here and we talked."

Calum passed the paper to Michael. "He broke into your uncle's house and apparently stole something out of his safe."

"What do you mean by apparently?"

Behind the bars ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now