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12th august 2016, 580 days before

Luke Robert Hemmings was discovered to be smarter than most kids by the time he was seven. He continued to skip classes, got awards for competitions he didn't apply for and graduated high school by the time he turned fifteen.

Controversially, education wasn't something he cherished. Luke Hemmings turned down every scholarship, every job offer and every opportunity to make something out of himself.

He didn't want to be known, had no interest in earning a lot of money. What brought him the least pleasure was pleasing people.

From foster home to foster home, from one family to another until he finally found a family that left him alone. No showing off to local papers, no additional homework that school apparently send over mail but turned out to be an unsolved equation with a prize of a quarter of a million. No people using him or giving him too much or too little attention.

He liked his last foster family but still moved out the day he turned eighteen. He spent some of the previously mentioned award money to buy his own apartment and make sure he had enough to support himself for at least a few years.

The rest he transferred to Christine and James Rowland as a thank you. He also requested for them to save part of the money for their daughter, his foster-sister, Leila.

Luke spent his newly gained freedom taking one hobby per month, trying to challenge himself and to gain as much knowledge as possible.

Knowledge was something he appreciated. Probably the only thing in life he wanted to achieve.

He had a need for knowing and learning everything, but doing that his way and with the help he wanted.

When he was ten he saw his at the time foster brother play a video game called SIMS. When his brother was asked about it, he explained the game the best he could, it was like playing with dolls. Making them go to work, interact with each other, build houses and pools, own pets. What got Luke's attention were the skills, the more skills the better. He questioned about the career choices and quickly realized he, Luke Hemmings, didn't want to be either a policeman or a journalist, he wanted to learn everything about everything.

He knew how to dance ballet, hip-hop and other dances by the time he was fifteen and was a master cook by his sixteen birthday.

Luke tackled the music and sports area and exceeded in most things he decided to try.

That was what kept him going day to day, what was his goal in life.

Well, that and his need for sex.

By his calculation, in the past ten years since he decided on this plan, Luke only learned around eleven percent of everything he wished to learn.

He knew with his brain still evolving the speed will increase and he had enough things to do till he would be around eighty.

When Luke turned twenty he decided on changing his hobby. He was pretty sure he was fluent enough in both Spanish and Portuguese and had learned most dialects to pass as a local over a phone.

Of all the things he could choose from to do next, he decided on learning poker. In ten days he won most online competitions and decided to test them in a casino as well.

There he realized there was so much more to gambling than just poker and he was willing to try everything.

Soon he came to the conclusion that you could know everything and still not win and he was okay with that.

The last game he decided to try out before skipping to probably gardening was blackjack.

He heard about blackjack and counting cards before. Luke wasn't opposed to cheating and soon realized that counting cards was even more fun than learning the rules.

When less than a month after his birthday he got dragged into a large black room and greeted by a sparkly pair of green eyes and a smirk that made his heart beat faster Luke Hemmings knew gardening had to wait.

When he held a business card the next time he entered Casino Royal he felt the thrill of the possibility that Michael Clifford was observing his trough security cameras.

"How can I help you today mister?" A cheery voice asked Luke when he came to the reception of the gambling place.

"I'm here to see Mr. Michael Clifford." Luke politely announced and pushed the card that was already tearing apart because of how much time it spent between Luke's fingers.

The receptionist frowned clearly not knowing who Michael Clifford was. She took the card, read it and typed some word in her computer.

"Do you have an arranged meeting with Mr. Clifford sir or...?"

"It's unannounced, but I'm sure he'll find a minute to talk to me."

She glanced at him before grabbing her phone. She turned the speaker that allowed Luke to hear her through the protection glass off.

Luke smiled back at her and kept eye contact to make sure she won't turn away. He never started to learn properly but he managed to understand a few words from the way her lips moved.

When she stopped talking and turned the speaker back on Luke already knew his visit will be successful.

6th January 2020, Now

Luke glanced at food that was given to him on a tray.

It looked everything like he expected it too.

Disgusting and cheap.

His uniform didn't exceed any expectations either. Bright orange on him and everywhere around him hurt his eyes.

He was nervous and it was rare for Luke Hemmings to be nervous.

As the rest of the inmates he arrived in Red Castle Prison he also was staring at the door that had to open soon. When most of the man Luke was surrounded with, feared the arrival of the other inmates or the prison, Luke was almost excited.

He counted down the seconds till he'd see the sparkly green eyes again.


Isn't this exciting?

I love this story so much like I love how much more creativity it pushes out of me.

Thoughts on the chapter in details?

Luke Robert Hemmings?

If you could learn one information you don't know already about this story what would it be?

Also big thanks to rangomuke ewpenguin splashaesthetic mgc_LukesKindaHotTho awenagwen paintingshowers jetbIackmuke mellovesmichaelc for commenting! ♡

Love, Lucija ♡

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