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I'll love you forever if you'll be nice and leave feedback. (:


13th January 2020, Now

Nobody told Luke it will be like this. He felt like he just transferred schools again but he was actually serving a sentence in prison.

For some reason, he had to spend a week separated from the main part of the building. Technically, not just him but it wasn't like any of the other guys were that much fun.

There was one boy, Tristan or something who said that he already served his sentence here and couldn't wait to see his friends. He was the one who named Luke and this other man his friends and decided to share inside secrets.

He didn't mind Luke being quiet and Luke didn't mind him not being quiet.

"We'll stay here for two weeks," Tristan informed him when they walked into a large room, at least thirty beds scattered around the room. "In these two weeks we'll do some random talks, we'll get assigned a person who'll help us.."

Tristan told this Luke a week ago and he was still in shock. It was a prison, not a kindergartner. His lawyer contacted him every day and told him that was normal for a low-security prison. These people were small criminals that did something stupid, need to serve their time and go back to their families.

Still, he got warned. They were still criminals.

Tristan had an ugly scar on his back Luke had seen when they showered. He knew Tristan got in jail for identity theft and there was a small chance he got in on the job.

If this was what jail looked like Luke wouldn't mind.

Except Luke knew Michael was less than a few hundred meters away from him and just the thought of that made his heart race. It's been almost two years since Luke had seen Michael face to face. Almost two years since they last touched, talked and kissed.

"Yo, newbie," Tristan called. "The guard came with a list of mentors, come pick yours."

Luke quickly stood up and made his way to the table where the guard started to explain the rules.

He made sure to be near enough to see the name Michael Clifford on the list.

Luke had a black belt in judo and had no problem with showing off his skills to make sure he was able to pick his mentor out first.

12th August 2016, 580 days before

Michael smirked to himself after the receptionist hung off.

He typed in an email to his supervisor that he went on lunch before gathering his stuff and making his way up towards the casino.

The blond boy who was waiting for him was dressed completely differently than the last time they saw each other. Black skinnies were still on and were hugging his long, sinful legs. The improvement was a white shirt that clanged to his not fit but definitely nice body.

Michael had to remind himself he didn't give his number to him to ask him on a date.

"Hello, Luke Hemmings."

The tall boy jumped in place as he clearly wasn't expecting Michael to come from behind.

"Um, hello." Luke glanced towards the card he held in his hand. "Michael... Clifford?"

Michael held back the remember my name joke and nodded. "What can I do for you today?"

The blue-eyed boy frowned. "You gave me this." He raised the card. "I presumed you wanted me to contact you."

"Did I?" Michael loved how uncomfortable he made Luke feel.

Luke sighed. "Maybe I should just leave. I'm sorry.."

"No, no." Michael grabbed Luke's elbow before he could escape. "You did everything right. I just didn't expect you to come without calling."

"I don't really like making phone calls."

"Or you just wanted to see me again? Who knows and who cares. You're here now."

"Why am I here?" Luke asked.

Michael looked around them. It was only noon but the casino was full of people who were addicted to spending money in hopes of earning more.

"What about I invite you to lunch at our restaurant and we'll talk there?"

"Like a date?"

"A business date," Michael explained. Being honest he wouldn't mind it being a date, date. A date where he could then take Luke home and fuck him into obliviousness.

Green eyed man had to pinch himself when he escorted Luke towards a more private area of the restaurant. There was no time to stare at Luke's ass and no time for any unholy thoughts. If Luke would say yes to his offer, he could get a big raise.

"Let's get to the point shall we?" Michael proposed after they ordered. When Luke Hemmings stayed quiet he continued.

"As you might have realized I work in the Casino Royal as a member of the security team. My job is to watch the surveillance videos and make sure nobody here is cheating. You got to see what happens to people who do cheat."

Luke nodded. He still had no clue on why he was here.

"A year ago Luke I was you. I don't play blackjack but I spend my days either behind the computer or here either winning or losing. Now, I have a job with a steady income. I still get the thrill while observing other people play and I still know I'm the best because no one can fool me."

"You're offering me a job?"

Michael smiled. "You're a smart one aren't you? Don't answer that I already know you are. You see, I checked your background when they took you to the questioning room. You're a genius Luke Hemmings and we'd be happy to have you on our team."


Me, the author: I love this story.

You, the reader: *insert a comment with your thoughts*

Who'll Luke choose as a mentor?

Past Mikey being into Luke as (/to) fuck?

Things will start to happen a bit quicker next chapter. Very exciting.

Tell me, if 5sos would make a music video for one of their songs which one would you choose?

Love, Lucija ♡

Please read: i'm planning to see 5sos in Sweden but since I live across the Europe I'll need some help. So if anyone is from there or knows someone please hmu (:

2019: best decision ever to go and see 5sos during their hiatus.

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