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7.4.2020. Now

Luke was trying hard to distract himself. Michael only left twenty minutes ago and the pre-trial was in an hour. It killed him that he had to stay here and do nothing while all he wanted was to support his love as he faced the biggest monster of his life.

Nothing helped as he tried to remember what he had read on the first page for the fifth or sixth time.


In surprise Luke looked up and saw Michael standing in front of the cell, they were opened during the day and he quickly stood up and got closer to his boyfriend.

"What's wrong Mikey? Why are you here?"

Michael looked good. Even better. It's not that orange didn't suit him but the suit he was wearing looked phenomenal on him.

"I'm scared." The older man admitted. "What if I screw things up? Both my mum and you fought so hard for this and-"

Luke gently pressed his lips against Michael's which calmed him down immediately.

"You won't okay?" He whispered looking into the beautiful sage green eyes. "Even I can't tell you if we'll win but if we don't win with this we can still sue him for literally spying on us. He'll pay in one way or another. You told me yourself you don't care about the money and neither do I. Go and do your best, make him suffer, make his business and his reputation pay for what he did to you."

"To us."

Luke smiled. "I love you and that's all that matters." He noticed Calum was standing outside the cell, waiting for Michael.

He kissed him once more before sending him into the battle.

7.4.2020. Now

Glancing from the empty judge seat to his uncle and his lawyer Michael was nervously shaking his leg.

"Michael, calm down," Calum told him. Behind his uncle were all of his business partners and his son, Jace Wellington.

Michael was sure the bench behind him would be empty but he was proven wrong as both Luke's foster-parents and foster-sister showed up.

"All rise."

It wasn't his first court rodeo so he followed the procedure. When the judge came in he could notice Calum smiled for a second. The moment they sat down Calum whispered to him. "That's the best judge we could get, he hates high-profiled businessmen."

And if that didn't convince Michael about what Calum said, the judge's words did.

"Mr. Wellington, how lovely to see you here. I was genuinely surprised when I saw that this is your first time in the court."

Wellington's lawyer opened his mouth but the judge raised his hand and shushed him down.

"Joke aside, we're here to determine if the lawsuit of Mr. Michael Gordon Clifford against Trevor George Wellington should make it in front of the jury. First, I'll read the accusations and based on how the accused will plead we'll set a preliminary hearing where we'll go over the evidence. Is this clear?"

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