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I thought a lot about how to write this and I think it turned out well. There will be four or five chapters like this and after that, the real adventure will only just begin. Don't forget to share your thoughts.

1.2.2020, Now

He made a decision.

Michael decided to read Luke's letter.

It was a small defeat he was willing to take.

Luke wasn't there in their cell when Michael came back and he hadn't seen him in the visitation room either. As soon as he saw the letter on his bed when it was previously lying on the table Michael knew. He knew Luke knew he decided on reading it.

Michael wasn't surprised. Luke always knew what he wanted for lunch, whether he wanted to take a shower or go to bed. When he wanted to have sex and even in which position.

When he came closer to the bunk bed Michael noticed the letter Luke wrote the day before was only stacked on top of a few letters. He picked them up and noticed there were a few numbered envelopes and one piece of paper with his name on it.

He climbed on his bed and opened the lettered one.

Luke's handwriting was neat and Michael had always envied that. His hands were shaking and he took a deep breath before he started reading what Luke had to say.

Dear Michael.

I presume you won't read this note today but maybe tomorrow. Maybe a day after or next year.

Either way: thank you.

I knew you prefer when things are said in person but you won't let me speak. Now if you do decide to read them, please read them all. They're all equally important to me. It's important you learn the entire story.

I wrote these letters over a course of months since we last spoke. Maybe it's not that clear but they weren't the nicest days of my life.

The first letter is the complete opposite but since you hate spoilers - open it and see for yourself.

Always yours, Luke

Michael frowned but picked up the first envelope. It wasn't sealed and he quickly took the paper out to read it.


It's funny to think about how different things were last year.

The summer after I quit my job at the casino was the best in my entire life.

It was filled with so much love and I've never felt more at home than with you.

We saw each other less so we made every moment together count, I worked some fun jobs and you became more carefree of your future. Your mum was getting better and life was good.

I never told you about the jobs I had at the time because I knew you'd ask where all the money I earned went. I can also now tell you we didn't win the Eurotrip that year. I paid for it because we needed it.

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