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29.1.2020, Now

"Good morning Clifford." The guard nodded to Michael and he nodded back and moved to the wall.

He wasn't the type to make friends with the guards but they liked him because he never caused any trouble.

Michael observed as he looked through their entire cell, not even acknowledging Tristan's existence. Tristan, on the other hand, was a pain in the ass and got to the prison for the third time in the past five years.

"So everything is arranged." The guard informed Michael. "Milner and Hemmings will be switching cells in the evening after dinner."

The green-eyed man frowned and wanted to ask why but the guard already left. He then turned to Tristan. "What the fuck did he just say?"

Tristan looked just as surprised but for a completely different reason. "What do you mean? You signed the papers."

"What fucking papers?" Michael was shaking. He was mad and for the first time since he got to The Red Castle Prison, he was on the verge of losing it.

Tristan looked scared and for a good reason. Michael was not just taller than him but he looked beyond pissed off.

"L-luke won the poker last week a-and I lost. H-he said if he wins we have to switch the cells. Michael, I didn't know he was that good."

"Of course he's good," Michael shouted. "I thought him everything he knows."

Tristan or Pigeon as Michael named him gave him a shy smile. "But that's good, right? You two know each other I'm sure you'll get on just.."

"Don't even dare to finish that sentence? Do you think I'd be acting like this if I'd be fine with this?"

He didn't let Tristan reply and climbed to his bed. It was his time to do absolutely nothing and that's what he will do. Enjoy his last moments of freedom.

"But Michael. They needed your signature to approve this. How did they get it if you've never seen the papers or knew about this before?"

Michael ignored him. He was his least favorite person at this moment. Even Luke was before him.

But he knew the reason why. Because he was the one who thought Luke his signature in the first place.

15.2.2017, 393 Days before

Luke was stirred awake but refused to wake up. It was like his body and mind knew he didn't have any plans today.

"Luke. Wake up." Michael said a bit louder this time. It was something over three am and they've actually showered and went to bed less than two hours ago.

"Why are you yelling?" Luke whined as he opened his eyes. Luckily no of the lights were on and the sun wasn't up anymore. Since it was winter it could easily be morning but one glance at Michael let him know the man didn't go to sleep yet. "What's wrong? Did I steal your blanket again?"

Michael shook his head with a fond smile on his face. He was propped on one of his elbows, leaning above Luke and gently tracing patterns on his cheek.

"Then what it is? I'm not sure we can fuck again my legs feel like jelly. I can suck your dick but I'll probably fall asleep, you can fuck against my leg I won't be mad.." Luke was rambling and his eyes closed again trying to force him to go back to sleep.

Michael giggled and kissed him, hoping that would bring him back to life.

"It's not that. I wanted to talk to you about something." The change of tone made Luke open his eyes. It was Michael's serious tone, the one he used at work when he had to get shit done or when he bossed Luke around and force him to stop learning a new language every week and picking up another hobby every two weeks.

"I'm awake," Luke said and climbed up a bit.

Michael took both of Luke's hands in his. "I'm horrible at this but I know you know I really like you. And I do. I know I never say it, I know I'm horrible with sharing things about me."

The blue-eyed man opened his mouth wanting to say something but Michael beat him to it.

"I've been keeping some things away from you. Things you asked me about and things you wouldn't even think about asking. I know you're smart and you googled me the second I gave you that card. I also know you know there's more to all those stories and I know you want to know more. You opened up your heart to me and I just always leave you hanging. I normally wouldn't care because we just fuck but it's been way more than that since the beginning. I even moved my plant to your place because we spend most of our time there."

Luke smiled, it was still a sleepy smile but it let Michael know he was listening.

"I want more from this. From what we have. I want to call you mine so I can tell everyone that you are. Brag around a bit but not because I'm dating a fucking genius but the best person there is. The most caring, lovable and stunning person there is."

"If you say yes, I'll take you somewhere next week. You need to meet someone and I need to tell you some things. It will probably take a while to answer all of your questions but I'd rather talk about my favorite bubble gum taste with you than about anything more important with anyone else."

"Are you done?" Luke smiled and Michael nodded. "I will admit I'm kind of scared that you'll take me to where you keep dead bodies next week but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. As for being yours goes, I thought we went past that when you thought me how to write your signature so I could take your packages for you."


Are you screaming? Maybe not. But should you be? Yes.

What Luke did? (past)

What Michael said? (future)

Which part is more interesting and you want to know more? the past or the future?

Check my story Disconnected and don't forget to comment and vote (:

Love, Lucija ♡

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