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27.2.2020, Now

Days had passed before Michael finally got to talk with the lead investigator of the now opened case against Michael's uncle.

Michael had countless meetings with Calum, Mali Kao and the police working the case from every angle.

They still had no solid proof but Michael had nothing to lose and neither did Calum. He agreed on taking the case to the court as soon as possible. They wanted to catch Trevor Wellington by surprise.

The little proofs were there. The camera's with his uncle's fingerprints Luke found at the apartment, the story Michael's mum told Luke. The only problem was Michael tried to avoid getting Luke in front of the court as much as possible. He's been thinking a lot about his ex-boyfriend and realized that after how much he's done for him Michael needs to work on protecting him not endangering him even more.

Michael was just waiting for Calum to arrive because he apparently had some good news.

Calum wasn't dressed in a suit and instead of his usual black briefcase he had a white folder in his hand.

"What is it?" Michael asked when Calum pushed it to him.

"Read it."

He took a piece of paper out of the folder and immediately recognized his mother's handwriting. Michael read the letter quickly eating the words and letting them sink into his brain.

"It's her will." He breathed out.

Calum nodded. "Did you had any idea she wrote one?"

Michael shook his head. "We didn't have much so when she died and there was no will I wasn't surprised." He read the letter again. It wasn't long. Two paragraphs were focused on Michael and how she wants him to live a happy and fulfilled life.

The actual will part was short.

I, Karen Clifford leave everything to my son, Michael Gordon Clifford. By everything, I mean everything that is and should be mine. Everything I was supposed to inherit from Daryl James Wellington I leave to Michael as well.

"Where did you find it?"

Instead of answering Calum pulled the envelope out of the folder.

Instead of Michael's name, it had Luke's name and address on it.

"Mali Kao went to Luke's apartment because he asked her to bring him this." Calum reached into the folder again and pulled out a piece of paper and a bunch of pictures. He passed the pictures to Michael.

There were pictures Luke had in his living room. Pictures of his stepparents and stepsister, a bunch of them of him and Michael together and even one of Luke and Karen. The last one Michael took a week or so before the robbery.

"The envelope was closed but Mali opened it because as his lawyer she had the permission to pay his bills."

"Why did she give it to Luke?"

"The letter for you was wrapped in a letter for him."

Michael reached to get the piece of paper from Calum but he took it off the table.

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