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tw: this gets a bit sad.

don't forget to comment and vote.

4.2.2020, Now

Luke woke up to the prison alarm for the second time in a row. He was rested and somehow happy, he felt like his life had a purpose now.

He actually woke up with a smile on his face. Which turned out to be a huge mistake as he completely forgot about his injured face and split lip.

Luke hissed and let out a pitiful whine when his lip cracked again.

"Luke?" Michael jumped off the top bunk with a frown on his face. "Are you okay?"

"I forgot-" He hissed again. "I had this fucking thing on my lip."

"That fucking thing on your lip was keeping your lip together you dumbass."

"I'm not dumb," Luke commented and Michael's couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes even if he'd try really hard.

"Clifford?" They both turned around to see one of the guards looking at them with a raised brow. "Your lawyer has called. Need you to come with me to the office."

Michael nodded. "Can you take him to the nurse in the meanwhile? I think he needs stitches anyway."

"Mikey I'm fine." Luke hissed as they followed the guard down the hallway.

"If the others see you go towards the offices they'll think you'll rat them out for beating you. Plus, you really need to have this lip fixed."

The younger man looked at Michael in surprise. "Why are you talking about this like being a rat is a good thing?"

"Because this is a prison for minor offenses. We all just want to get out of here as soon as possible. They won't risk getting their sentence extended and will leave you alone."

With that Michael left Luke in front of the small room with white doors and a red cross on them.


"How did it go?" Luke asked when Michael returned to their cell. His conversation with Calum lasted for almost an hour so Luke presumed it went either really good or really bad.

"Good. I think." Michael sighed and sat down on Luke's bed. "Calum and Mali-Koa think we have a case strong enough to take it in front of the judge. Calum said that in a week or two cops or investigators should come to collect my statement. And then they'll open the investigation against him."

"Then you need your father's will, right? You need to call Calum and tell him where I've sent it to."

"A will you stole won't hold in court as evidence. You know that."

"Then we can always have someone take it and hide it in your uncle's office."

Michael chuckled. "Your ideas are getting ridiculous. Calum is a good lawyer. He'll get the legal evidence he needs."

Luke stopped himself from biting his lip. "Without the will, there's no case."

"That's what we need to talk about."

"About what?"

Michael looked into Luke's blue eyes. To this day they were still the prettiest eyes Michael has ever seen.

"Remember when you told me you imposed as a lawyer and found out my father wrote a will?"

Luke nodded. "All I had to do was dress up in an expensive suit and fake a badge."

"Calum went there with the real ID and in a just as expensive suit I presume and found out nothing. Which leads to two possible stories." Michael crossed his arms. "Either what you told me is true. You had a hunch my father wrote a will and had legally verified it. Or you went to my uncle's office digging for something that would make him guilty of something. Whatever that may be."


"Don't lie to me, Luke. I know you, I can tell when you lie. God dammit, me seeing right through your scheme is how we've met in the first place."

Luke closed his mouth and his eyes teared up. Michael didn't expect that to happen. He hoped Luke didn't feel sentimental about their past because Michael didn't know what he'll do if his ex-boyfriend would bring their past relationship up.

"I've promised her..."

Slowly, Michael scooted over to where Luke was sitting and placed his hand on Luke's wide shoulders. "Luke, calm down. You promised what to who?"

Luke looked completely broken and nothing like Michael had remembered him being. Always the strong one, protecting Michael from his feelings. The stable Luke was gone and in front of him was someone who needed a hug.

So Michael hugged him.

It was an awkward hug to say at least. Yet Luke went pliant in his arms.

"Y-you're right. I didn't tell you everything." Luke talked slowly and Michael rubbed his shoulder gently to encourage him and offer some sort of stability. "I did impose as a lawyer and the same as Calum I've found nothing. I'm a genius but it wasn't my idea."

Luke waited for a bit so his breathing evened.

"It was your mum's."

Michael froze and pushed Luke away from himself. Just enough to see his face. "If you tell me she came and visited you in your dreams, Luke, I swear to-"

"No." Luke moved away from Michael as well and wiped away his tears. He took a deep breath before he explained. "After your trial began I was still in the hospital. Since you wouldn't talk to me I talked to your mum. She told me how you were doing and we kept each other company. We had one thing in common and it was you. So we'd exchange stories and she told me all about your childhood. She also mentioned how hard it was raising you after your father died. He promised he'll always take care of you and after he passed away she was disappointed there was no will. She remembered him mentioning it to her, how if you'd want to you could have his share of the empire."

"Whenever I'd call her from the prison she'd tell me you were doing good and I never asked how she knew," Michael whispered.

"She loved you a lot."

It was Michael's turn to swallow down his tears. "She loved you too. The last time I talked to her she first called me stupid for ignoring you and then made me promise to learn to be more forgiving."

"You weren't stupid. Just hurt."

Michael chuckled. "I am stupid. But I am working on my forgiveness."


We're getting somewhere. (:


Michael going in front of a judge?

Muke talk?

I'm sending all the love to everyone who needs it.

Love, Lucija ♡

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