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1.2.2020, Now

Michael raised his hands and allowed the guard to check him up before he let him into the visitation room.

Calum was wearing his lawyer monkey suit that made Michael cringe. The man was barely dressed when they used to play video games together as kids. But that felt like an eternity ago when in reality less than ten years had passed.

"Geez Clifford. You should lay off the heavyweights." Calum laughed as he hugged his friend.

Michael's body didn't change that much but enough so Calum felt like he had to point it out every time he visited.

"I'm surrounded by idiots every day so you could spare me your awful jokes."

They sat down and Michael noticed Calum had his case with him. His lawyer case.

"So have you talked to him?"

"Seriously? When have I ever in the past two years wanted to talk to him?"

Calum sighed. "I know you think he's the worst person in the entire world. And I'm not saying you should forgive him for whatever you think he's done. I want you to talk to him because it'll help you. Your case."

Michael just stared at Calum, he felt betrayed. "Have you been talking to him? The only thing I asked you not to do. Are you representing him as well?"

"No Mikey. I promised you."

He did. But in Michael's experience, not a lot of people he was close to held their end of the deal.

It took a couple of seconds before he figured it out. Of course he would, he was a smart guy. "Is Mali his lawyer?"

Calum immediately looked away and Michael almost regretting choosing someone with such an awful poker face as his lawyer.

"It was her idea." The younger man gave in. "She thought maybe she could help you as well. But you two are in for two different things so.."

"I don't want to know." Michael interrupted. "Calum you're my lawyer, I was sentenced to serve three and a half years for what I did. That's it. You told me there was nothing more you could do about it."

"True. There isn't. I feel awful for not doing more then but we both know you didn't let me. What I also recall was you asking me another favor which I turned down but recent events had changed my mind. That's why you need to stop being stubborn and start talking to Luke. I never said you have to be with him or forgive him. Just make him useful so you'll maybe one day feel at peace again."

The guard loudly reminded everyone that visiting hours were over. That's what Michael always did. He had his visitors come just before the end so he had an excuse to make them leave.

"Mikey one day you'll get out of this hell hole and I'm trying to make sure you'll have a life to live. Be bitter and sad and angry while you're here. Write some poems about it if it'll make you feel better. So then, when you'll get out you'll have a clean start. And that's more important than whatever Luke did to you."

When Calum left, Michael kept thinking about what he pointed out more than once. What you think he did.

18.3.2017, 362 days before

Michael was exhausted. He couldn't even imagine what the next three day will be like as the group of players kept getting smaller and smaller.

All he wanted to do was shower and sleep. Honestly, he wasn't that sure on showering as he was getting closer to his bed.

Unlocking the door he immediately noticed the light and TV being on and he couldn't remember turning either of those two on.

He kept the door open just in case he had to run and stepped forward to see better into his hotel room.

But he immediately relaxed when he saw Luke asleep on the big bed. Michael closed the door and went over and woke him with tickling kisses.

Luke yawned and smiled after he saw who it was. "Hi."

Michael brushed strands of hair away from his face. "Hi, sleepy. What are you doing here?"

He slowly sat up and accepted the glass of water Michael offered to him.

"Well, I got a task of practicing my massage techniques at home and figured you needed it anyway. Jace gave me the keycard to your room but I expected you'd be here earlier."

"I wish I would be. I have a late start tomorrow so I can sleep in. But first I need a shower."

"Want me to come with you?" Luke tried to sound as persuasive as he could but sleepiness was written all over his face and prominent in his voice made him anything but that.

"You warm up your fingers, I expect the best massage of my life."

Michael stood up and Luke pulled him back. "Hey, are you okay?"

The green-eyed man sighed and looked at his boyfriend. "There have been rumors that the casino will make some... arrangements of staff."

"If you're worried about my job I will quit soon. I told you that."

"Yeah, I know. It's not that. The guy I signed my contract with about my mum and everything wants to retire. I just don't want to go through everything again. It was so hard the first time with my mum in the hospital and me basically trying to take care of her and myself as well."

"You're forgetting something," Luke whispered and the hopeful look in Michael's eyes made all the changes Luke made in his life worth it. "You're not alone. You have me now."


Smut next chapter? Yes/no.

After that, things will start moving quickly. (:


Calum's visit?

I passed all of my exams (:

Love, Lucija ♡

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