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Can we get to 25 votes and 20+ comments?

20th September 2016; 541 days before

Luke bit his lip as he sat down on his chair.

His desire to learn everything under the sun made him try a lot of different jobs but luckily he had the brain of a genius. That helped a lot when he had to learn a lot of new things.

Luckily, Michael was a good, actually great mentor. He showed him everything and answered every question the younger man had. And Luke had a lot of questions.

Luke said yes to the job right away. Not only he'll be able to expand his knowledge about gambling, but he'll also learn about human behavior and that was something he always wanted to do.

It was a two-week training in which Luke had to study through two hundred plus pages of textbooks and had to observe everything Michael did for seven hours per day.

Which he didn't mind at all.

Luke never got along with people easily but Michael was just amazing. He never asked Luke to speak when he could see he understood what he was told. Michael would take his time at the end of his shift and explain what Luke did wrong, what he should be more careful about.

He also told him which toilets were the cleanest, which food was the best and to whom should he introduce himself.

The only problem was Luke found Michael too intriguing.

He'd spend his time thinking about the man, wanting to know every detail about him as well.

Michael had a personality on which people could write books about, his every facial expression was a mystery and an open book at the same time.

It also didn't help that Michael was flirting with him every chance he'd get.

He'd compliment the length of Luke's legs or how good he looked with a certain hairstyle. One time he even took Luke's hand, admiring his soft hands and Luke would lie if he'd say he didn't feel what most people describe as a spark when Michael did that.

The blond even heard Michael and their coworker Jace talk about him. Luke's not sure but he was pretty sure he heard Jace say something about Michael wanting to fuck Luke.

As unprofessional and inappropriate that would be Luke didn't find it creepy. He knew that he could leave if things would become uncomfortable for him. In reality, it was quite the opposite.


Michael was behind him in a matter of seconds. Their shift hadn't started yet but Luke couldn't sign into the system.

It was the first time he had a problem in over three weeks of working there.

"Yes, Luke Robert Hemmings?"

Michael also loved using Luke's full name which surprisingly didn't annoy Luke.

"The system won't let me in."

"Strange." Michael leaned over Luke, which was completely unnecessary. There was enough space for him to sit on a chair next to him. When Luke breathed in Michael's heavenly scent hit his brain cells and Luke had to hold back from not leaning into his mentor.

"Here you go."

"What did I do wrong?" Luke frowned. He never did anything wrong.

"You had caps lock on."


"Don't worry about it. Hey, are you coming to the bar across the road with us today?"

Luke, shockingly, was invited for drinks because it was someone's birthday. He would normally decline but he had an entire weekend off after that and some fun (that didn't include him learning everything about zodiac signs) wouldn't hurt.

"I haven't decided yet. Are you going?"

"Definitely," Michael smirked. "We should go together so I could introduce you to some people. I'll even recommend the best drinks."

"Okay." Luke quickly agreed. If Michael would abandon him at least he'd have alcohol.

"Great. I can't wait to see how these long legs work on the dance floor."

Michael's eyes slowly scanned over his body before he left.

No, Luke wouldn't mind Michael doing something about that boning situation at all.

22.1.2020; Now

It was the day.

Luke remembered the schedule by heart.

Breakfast, shower, meeting with their prison buddies, lunch and then assimilation into the prison life.

His heart was beating fast through the entire day and the night prior.

There were no words that would describe how much Luke missed Michael.

Luke knew he probably wasn't Michael's favorite person and he could not blame him for that. But at least now, Michael will have to talk to him. Hear him out.

Hopefully, forgive him.

"Okay, gentlemen." The main guard gathered them after showering. "You'll be called one by one to a room where you'll meet the inmate that will help you understand the prison life a bit better. Hemmings cmon, you're up first."

Luke almost ran to where the guard started walking.

"There's been a change of plans." The guard explained as they walked towards the room. There were two extra guards accompanying them.

"Inmate Clifford decided he didn't want to mentor as he has something else to deal with. Luckily for you, another prisoner stepped up."

The guard opened the door. "Meet Jon Lalonde."


Look, we're getting somewhere. ((;


Muke already kinda happening (before)?

Muke meeting soon (now)?

Any theories on what Luke did so Michael is avoiding him?

Love, Lucija ♡

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