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tw: smut

18.3.2017, 362 before

"Are you sure I'm supposed to be naked for this?" Michael turned back feeling weird lying on his stomach completely naked while Luke was searching for the stuff he got on his course.

"You should always be naked."

Michael snorted but laid back on the pillow. "If I fall asleep don't wake me up."

The younger man returned and slapped his naked ass making Michael whine in pain. "You're not allowed to fall asleep. I need your feedback."

"Hemmings I know you know the whole procedure by heart, so stop pretending like you actually have to practice something."

Just as Michael was finishing his sentence Luke pressed against the spot on Michael's back that made him scream.

"Damn you're tense."

"Fuck off. What was that?" Michael groaned but didn't lift his head or made any attention to move. As much as it hurt it also felt good and he wasn't one to turn down a message.

"There are pressure points on your body. But that was just a knot I know you have. Honestly, you have a lot of them." Luke explained as he traced his fingers all over Michael's skin making goosebumps appear all over.

"What's the point of Thai massage?"

"Pressing and stretching your entire body."

Luke decided to start with Michael's left leg and started rhythmically pressing on certain spots, slowly relaxing Michael's muscles. It was a long procedure and Michael seemed to enjoy it.

A lot.

By the time Luke was done with both his legs and arms, Michael was moaning quietly whenever Luke pressed against his tight muscles. Luke knew just how much stress his boyfriend had on his shoulders and was more than happy to assist somehow.

Michael's head was turned to the left and he opened his eyes when he felt Luke approaching him from that direction.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked sweetly.

"I know I said this a lot but you're the best," Michael whined as the man tried to get rid of the last knot on his back.

Luke sat down next to Michael and leaned down to kiss him. "That's what you deserve."

"Sap." For a second Michael forgot Luke still had his hands on him and didn't expect him to squeeze his nerve.

He groaned in pain. "I take it all back."

With Luke now sitting next to his face Michael noticed something.

"How long have you been hard for?"

Luke stopped what he was doing completely and blushed. "Stop. You're just making all these sounds..."

The older man tried to contain his laugh but couldn't.

"Mikey." He whined. "Stop making fun of me."

"I'm honestly not. I just wish you'd say anything sooner because my dick has been rock solid for the past hour."

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