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7.3.2020, Now

Unfortunately for Luke with his great mind and amazing memory came a lot of not so pleasant things. He remembered not only the good but the bad things as well.

One of those was Michael's nightmares.

When he woke up in the middle of the night and heard soft whimpers from the top bunk he recognized the sounds right away. Luke was on his feet in no time.

He was tall enough to see Michael while standing on the floor. Michael had a distressed look on his face which Luke hated to see. Especially only a few hours since he saw him smile properly for the first time in years.

Luke knew better than to wake his ex-lover up in the middle of his nightmare. Instead, he slowly placed his hands on the top of Michael's head and begin to stroke his soft hair slowly.

It took a minute or two but Michael calmed down and soon enough his eyes opened.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a groan. Michael didn't seem to be angry with Luke just confused.

Luke leaned on the edge of Michael's bunk crossing his hands and then placing his chin on them. Their faces were centimeters apart.

"You had a nightmare," Luke whispered. "I tried to help."

Michael blinked a few more times. "Thank you. Only mum knew how to help with those. They once almost threw us out of our apartment because my screaming at three AM wasn't that pleasant for the neighbors."

"I can imagine." The younger man agreed. "It was actually Karen who thought me how to deal with them. You slept just fine for the first few months and then all of a sudden you'd push me off the bed and start kicking and screaming. I knew that I wasn't supposed to wake you up so the next time we went to see your mum and you left to get us tea I asked her about it."

To Luke, Michael always looked absolutely breathtaking. But there was something about how he talked slowly in the middle of the night and how his eyes wondered over Luke's face when he was half awake that made Luke's heart hurt.

"What did she recommend?"

"She said she tried almost everything. From making you drink chamomile tea to doing exercise before you went to bed. In the end, she gave up and started caressing your hair and whispering how much she loved you and you calmed down immediately."

Michael smiled and moved closer to the wall. "Come here?"

"Why?" Luke asked all confused.

"Just in case I get another nightmare. If I'll wake everyone in this prison they won't like me that much."

It wasn't the answer Luke expected or wanted but he'd lie if he'd say he didn't want to sleep next to Michael.

"Hi," Luke whispered when they were laying face to face.

Michael smiled. "Thank you for helping me."

Before Luke could think the words slipped his mouth. "I'd do anything for you."

He knew he screwed up because Michael frowned. "Don't say that. You need to be your priority, Luke. I'd never want you to do things for me you wouldn't want to do."

"I know. I'm sorry." Luke apologized. "Don't think for a second my actions are based on your wishes because we both know that then I wouldn't be here."

While he had Michael's complete attention he decided to get another thing off his chest.

"And please don't think I expect anything from you. The kiss we shared last week felt right to me. I don't want you to feel like you owe anything to me, it can be just a kiss and stay at that."

"Thank you." Michael reached and stroke Luke's cheek with his thumb. "I didn't kiss you to actually shut you up that day. I kissed you because I wanted to. When I learned that my mum had sent her will to you I knew she did it because she knew you'd always do right by me. She told me you were a gift and I always knew that was true. I know it'll take some time for me to fully let you in but you made it once before."

Luke grinned. "I'm a fighter."

"You're beautiful. Always were to me."

The honesty Luke saw in Michael's eyes made his stomach turn.

"I know we said we wouldn't apologize and feel sorry for what had happened. I do need you to know I'm sorry for being away from you for so long. I know what I promised in Europe and maybe the second time around we'll make that happen."

Michael leaned forward and let his lips linger against Luke's. It was as intimate and lovely as Luke remembered laying with Michael was.

"We should go back to sleep," Luke suggested. With the trial starting soon he knew Michael should be rested.

"Okay. Just stay here with me." The green-eyed man asked.



"What's up?" Luke asked after he finished fixing his and Michael's beds.

Right after they woke up guard came to get Michael. He returned soon after but didn't look too pleased.

"It was Calum," Michael muttered. "My uncle is coming to visit me."


Some cute muke!!

comment and vote and all that stuff!

Luke helping Michael?

Michael and Luke talk about maybe, possibly being muke again?

Love, Lucija ♡

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