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Don't forget to show me some love

23.1.2020; Now

"I know you're a newbie and everything but you could at least answer some of my questions."

It was Luke's second day with Jon and as much as he was used to forcing himself to like people, Jon was another level of annoying.

"I would." The blond answered quietly. "But you keep asking me the same question."

Jon or Lizard as he liked to call himself huffed but quickly put on a smile as he noticed that one of the guards was watching him.

"I'm just trying to help, you know. I could mediate things between you two. You'll spend what, two years here and not be getting along with someone. Not cool dude."

"How do you even know Michael and I know each other?"

"He told me."

Luke rolled his eyes.

"Okay, he didn't. I heard him talk about you with his lawyer when he first got in. Something about you two dating and not to mention you ever again."

His heart clenched at the truth the skinny man told him. Luke knew that already but it still made him regret many decisions in his life.

"Then why are you pushing it?"

Lizard gave him the smile he thought would change Luke's mind. "Because Luke Hemmings, I'm curious. I like to know what's going on between these walls."

Luke picked some sort of dust off his uniform and threw it on the floor.

"Well, I'd like to know how things work in the prison so maybe we should get to that."


The only field of knowledge Luke had troubles mastering was to keep his mind at ease. And that also included keeping his anxiety away from his thoughts but it barely worked.

"Excited to see your lover?"

Luke put away the little belongings he had on a shelf. It was dinner time soon which meant he'd see Michael.

"Yes, I love seeing old friends in prison if that's what you mean?"

The lunch alarm went on and all the doors automatically opened so the prisoners could form a line.

"Look." Lizard turned back to Luke. "I understand you and Clifford don't like each other but we are bros. So I'll sit next to him and you sit wherever. I may be your prison buddy but don't expect me to be your best friend."

"Okay." His reply was weak. His voice was starting to shake.

He'll see Michael soon.

"Are you okay dude? You look a bit pale?"


Luke walked behind Jon and when they got into the canteen all eyes were on him.

"It's because you're new." Lizard explained.

Behind the bars ♡ mukeWhere stories live. Discover now