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For the first time in this book (except for the letters) this will be in Luke's pov. All the love and enjoy. (also another cliffhanger but what can we do)

1.2.2020, Now

It was too much.

Michael looked at the stack next to him and noticed there were two more letters waiting for him but he couldn't read more.

What he just read was already familiar to him. Painful but familiar.

He wasn't sure if he wanted to know what Luke was trying to tell him. Michael was avoiding it for the past two years why start carrying now?

Taking the last letter in his hands he quickly found the words that made him nauseous.

I'd do it for you.

Michael's head hurt and so did his body for sitting for too long. He jumped off the top bunk and started pacing around the room.

"Are you okay?"

Michael froze in place and slowly turned around.

Luke was standing in the middle of their cell door looking at him with worry written all over his face.

If Michael wanted to answer him - he didn't. He just stood there looking at Luke like it was the first time he ever saw him.

Luke's facial expression was emotionless as he looked around the room and found what he was looking for. The letters he left on the table were no longer there but on Michael's bed. No longer closed but open.

"Have you read them all?" Luke asked and turned back to the man who used to be his world, who still was his world.

Michael shook his head. "I don't want to."

The younger of the two sighed as he held the unopened letters.

"I want you to tell me what happened."

Luke looked up in surprise. It was what he wanted to do for the past few months.

"You want to sit down?"

Again, Michael refused to.

Walking to the chair that was further away from his ex-boyfriend Luke sat down. "There are three stories that matter in this." Luke started. He was looking down at his ugly prison shoes, too afraid that his voice would crack if he'd look at Michael. "Two of them are written about in my letters. The first one is our story. We both know that one. Our perspectives may be different but that's not that important. When we split up that day the story split as well. I never heard what had happened when I left the van. No one ever told me."

He then looked up to see Michael staring at him. "You want me to go first?"

"It would make sense. If you don't mind of course."

In the past six hundred and eighty-eight days, Luke noticed how much Michael had changed. He got a lot stronger, his posture and face expression became more intimidating. Luke observed every single Michael's move since he got to the prison so he noticed everything.

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