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15.3.2017, 1 year before

"Luke," Michael mumbled against Luke's lips. "You have to let me go, dude."

Luke stopped kissing him immediately. Michael was trying to make him do that for the past ten minutes but nothing worked. The younger man backed away and looked at his boyfriend.

"Dude? I just sucked your dick and you call me dude?"

Michael laughed and took the opportunity to escape. He hated being late and he wasn't sure how busy the traffic was. And being late when all the big poker players are in town, more exactly in their casino wasn't something his bosses would let slip by.

"Can I take a shower with you?" Luke asked, batting his eyelashes at the naked man.

"Definitely not," Michael answered and ran to the bathroom.

Luke pouted to himself and took Michael's phone. He could hear the shower and quickly took a picture of his face and set it as Michael's background. He also pulled the sheets down and made him a new home screen picture as well.

Once he was happy he, still naked, made his way to the bathroom.

"Luke!" Michael shouted. "Don't you dare come anywhere near me."

The younger man rolled his eyes and sat down on the counter. "I just came to chat. I won't see you for a whole week, you could at least pretend you're going to miss me."

The water stopped running and the glass door opened. Michael's hair was full of bubbles and he had a large grin on his face. "You know I will. I always miss you."

Luke smiled and blushed when Michael sent him a kiss and closed the shower door.

He couldn't believe this was his life. It's been just over seven months since they've met and he's here, half living with someone.

Luke went from studying all the books he could find on a topic he was interested in, to taking online classes in Japanese so he could translate the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series to Michael.

He learned more about himself than he did in the past twenty years of being alone. One thing he kept putting off was the fact he had to find a new job. As much as he loved being with Michael all the time, he needed a change. So maybe this week would be good for them, maybe missing each other would mean loving each other more when they'd be together. If that was even possible.

Michael finally climbed out of the shower and walked over to Luke who passed him a towel. But only after Michael kissed him.

"What will you do with all this free time on your hands?"

"I was thinking I could go and visit your mum. If that's okay with you."

The green-eyed man stopped wiping his body and stared at his lover. "Luke you don't have to."

"I want to. She's fun. Plus she doesn't let me win all the rounds of poker."

After still seeing Michael not being impressed by his plan Luke stood up. "I like your mum Mikey. She's amazing and she always tells me these stories about you. I'll also go and see my parents and I've already booked a one-week training in Thai massage.

Michael smiled and kissed him. "Okay. I'll call the hospital so they'll add you to the visitor list." After they kissed just once more he pushed Luke out of the bathroom. "Now go. Jace will be here in twenty minutes to pick me up so you can have the car this week."

"As smart as it is to have you staying at the casino hotel this week I also hate it. There's no way I'll be able to fall asleep without you."

Michael already turned the hairdryer on so he couldn't hear him.

For the first time in his life, he felt okay for depending on someone.

29.1.2020, Now

Michael pretended to be asleep for so long he actually did.

He pretended to be sick as well so maybe if luck was on his side he would get sick and they'd take him away from his cell. Away from Luke.

The cells were small enough you could feel the presence of another person even if they were pretending to not be there. Like Luke was when Michael woke up.

Michael made the mistake of moving. The bunks were old and creaking.


Michael shut his eyes. He was facing the wall but it didn't help. Luke knew he was awake.

"Are you okay? The guards said you were sick..." Michael flinched when he felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

"Don't ever fucking touch me again." He growled. He could hear Luke take a step back. "And don't talk to me either."

Michael closed his eyes again. He knew he won't be getting any sleep anytime soon.

He could hear Luke moving and taking a seat behind the desk the two prisoners sharing the cell had. Due to safety they only used safe materials but there was some paper which Michael used to write to his lawyer when (most of the time) he didn't feel like talking to him.

Of course Luke would find a way to get to Michael. No matter what Michael would do.

Luke wasn't giving up.


Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Never gonna run around and desert you.


1 year before. Before what?

The difference between muke before and now?

Love, Lucija ♡

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