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tw: smut

Now, 18.3.2020

Luke had the biggest smile on his face when he looked at how cozy Michael looked in his bed. Prison bunks were definitely not the most comfortable place you'd want to sleep in and they weren't meant for two people but Luke and Michael were meant for each other so they didn't mind.

He climbed under the thin cover and laid down next to Michael.

"How did it go?" The younger man asked.

Right after both of their visits, they had a day full of activities and zero time to be alone and zero wish to talk about their visits in front of everyone else.

Michael opened his eyes and smiled at Luke. "Good. He has no idea what will hit him."

"Good," Luke responded. "Did he ask about me?"

He was still dying to help Michael in the trial. If Wellington would know they were a thing once again maybe Michael would rethink this whole protecting Luke plan and let him testify.

"He threatened me with your wellbeing and my last words to him were that I don't give a shit about you."

Luke laughed.

The older man looked at him with fond in his eyes. "What's funny?"

"Because I just told my sister how much shit I do give about you."

They both looked at each other and smiled, they were as happy as two people locked together could be. Michael pressed a gentle kiss to Luke's forehead.

"Let's talk about more fun stuff. What else did Leila say?"

"She asked me if I'm getting any now that we're together."

Michael frowned. "Isn't she like twelve?"

Luke laughed. "She's sixteen and has been googling things ever since she found out I was gay. She even did research for my parents how gay people can have babies."

Michael started laughing as well. "Weren't you getting any while I was here?"

The question was semi-serious but enough to make Luke's heart stop for a second. "No."

The change of the atmosphere was obvious and Michael moved so he could see Luke's face. "Why not? You've been obsessed with sex even before we've met."

"Well, I've changed my taste from everyone to you. So my sex drive had to go into hibernation." Luke tried to explain it as casually as he could. "What about you? You've been showering naked with a couple of dozen men for over a year."

"Have you seen them? None of them was hot enough and sex isn't really the first thing you think about behind the bars."

Luke looked at Michael. "So you're saying I'm not hot?"

Michael snorted. "The first day you came to this part of the prison and we had to shower I almost got hard from just glancing at you. I was still mad at you so it pissed me off even more that you were still under my skin."

"How unfair of you. You know angry sex is my favorite."

Michael froze.



He knew the tone of Luke's voice and he could most definitely feel Luke's dick hardening up against his leg.

"Luke I don't think-"

Luke rolled on top of Michael and shushed him up with a kiss. He knew exactly what he was doing, he had Michael and after two years he'd be finally able to have an above decent orgasm.

"Babe, we can't, we don't have time and I'm not hiding condoms under my pillow."

Luke stopped and looked at the man under him. "Next time you call Calum, tell him to bring some. Okay?"

Michael nodded and kissed his boy. No sex didn't mean no fun. He unzipped Luke's yellow suit and got out of his as well. Prison underwear was the least sexy thing in the world but Luke's bum was just as nice as he remembered. He grabbed both of the round globes and pulled Luke's crotch down against his.

The whimper that came out of Luke's mouth was something Michael was dreaming about ever since he last heard it. He hated himself and Luke for the longest time because the younger man still had that much of an impact on him. But now that he had him in his arms, on top of him, he didn't hate him at all.

"Fuck, babe. Missed this so much."

"Mikey." Luke moaned. "Need you."

It was like an instinct to Michael, to protect and care for Luke. He didn't want to let him down.

Michael rolled them over and connected their lips together to buff the moans. He rolled his hips down and pressed their hot erections together.

It made him dizzy and the pleasure that was building up felt too good to be true. Like maybe he was dreaming and Luke wasn't his once more. But when Luke pressed his hips up the warm skin against his and the tongue rubbing and dancing with his made the moment seem real.

Michael quickened the pace and the pleasure started to build up. It felt so good and hot like he found his oasis after months spent in the desert.

"So close." He breathed into Luke's mouth and soon enough had to bit the younger man's lip to prevent the moan of pleasure waking everyone else awake.

His orgasm was like a volcano eruption. Hot with earthquake following.

Luke came two seconds after, his body being the source of the shaking.

"Fuck." Luke cursed and opened his eyes. He looked like he was on drugs. "I think I really am obsessed with sex."

They both giggled and Michael added his cup of tea. "I'm obsessed with you."

Luke smiled and kissed him. "Can you be mine? Like not just a thing but mine."

"I always was yours," Michael whispered. "I was just lost but now I'm finally found."


They both needed some fun before the trial starts.

Please answer:


The smut?

Them finally being together?

Love, Lucija♡

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