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You do know I'm like Tinkerbell and can die without attention? (In a form of feedback). ((;

tw: descriptive, kinky smut

14.2.2017; 394 Days before

"You okay?" Michael asked Luke, running his hands up and down the curve of his hips. Their skin was wet and glittery due to the sparkly bath bomb Michael put in the water. He really tried to be romantic even though he knew it was unpractical.

Luke nodded before he slowly dropped his body down.

Michael watched in awe how Luke's face would scrunch up, how he'd bit his lip and throw his head back. His eyes were closed as he took more and more of Michael's cock into his stretched hole. Michael himself had troubles with keeping his eyes opened. Luke just felt too good around him.

Luke let out a sigh when he bottomed completely. Michael was big and he could feel him so deep he could come just like that, not even moving, just squeezing his muscles around the throbbing cock inside of him.

Bath sex wasn't the most practical thing but Michael promised and there was something completely erotic, almost pornographic about the sound of the water splashing against the bathtub as Luke raised his hips and sunk them back down. The minimal furniture also absorbed zero sound and that sound together with the amplified sound of Luke's moans and their skin slapping against each other made them both even more turned on.

Michael was leaning back against the edge of the bath while his hands were on Luke's hips, helping his lover to move.

"Feels so good." Luke breathed out, opening his eyes just so he could make sure his feelings were reflecting on Michael.

"So good." Michael groaned with his breathing uneven. He looked so hot in Luke's opinion. His pale skin flushed, his sinful lips bitten raw. What always got to Luke was the way Michael looked at him. Like he was a masterpiece, he'd looked at him like he wanted to have him in every way possible.

"Fuck Luke." Michael cursed as Luke's movement became weaker. He surprised Luke as he sat up and turned them around. Michael's hand was on his neck, protecting him from hitting the hard edge.

Luke's history in sports made him extremely flexible so Michael pushed his legs up, so the man hooked them both over the edge of the bath.

Luke felt exposed but it even turned him more.

The older man kissed him and build up a brutal pace in seconds. His erection was rubbing against Luke's prostate making him mewl out words of nonsense. Michael's movement was so fast the water was now splashing all around and there was even glitter on Luke's face and Michael wiped some away and placed his fingers on Luke's lip.

Obediently Luke opened his mouth and sucked on Michael's fingers. He knew how much it turned Michael on. Michael's other hand was on his sensitive nipples and it was like being high.

Luke had his nails sunk down into the soft skin of Michael's back as he came.

A loud moan left his lips and his whole body was shaking when Michael thrust once, twice more and moved against his sensitive prostate. He reached his high as well, his body collapsing on top of Luke's. His groan was almost animal-like and wanted to go again but couldn't find the strength to say it.

The blue-eyed man squirmed when Michael pulled out, his sperm leaking out and mixing in the water with his own and the glitter as well.

Some of their body fluids spilled over Luke's chest and Michael held his gaze when he licked it off.

"Shit Michael." Luke moaned. Michael leaned forward and kissed him passionately.

Luke didn't believe in transcendence but he thanked whomever there was for being young. His cock chubbed up again and he could feel Michael starting to rub their growing erections together.

"You're insane," Luke whispered between their heated kiss.

"You love it."

Luke wanted to say something back but Michael squeezed his dick especially hard making him whine. There was pain from being oversensitive and pleasure mixed together.

It was like his soul separated from his body and there were two orgasms, one from the physical pleasure and the other complete bliss in his brain. Both together created a storm that rained on him and his second orgasm was like lighting that hit him. That lighting being Michael.

"Happy Valentine's day," Michael whispered and bit his lip playfully.

Luke only patted Michael's ass as a sign he did well. Michael snorted and kissed his forehead. "C'mon let's shower."

"I've already been showered on. You know champagne showers."

And even with glitter and probably cum on his teeth when he grinned Michael thought Luke was perfect.


You know what they say.. Quality over quantity d:

I really enjoyed writing this but who wouldn't? Believe me, it's much more fun writing than reading. [:


Bossy Michael and pliant Luke? [or them in each of my fictions really, I'm weak]


this was just something soothing to prepare you for what's to come (:

check my story To the moon.

Love, Lucija ♡

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