Chapter 8

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"We're going to the garden so you guys can have some time alone." Sehun's mother winked

I fake smiled and mentally cursed. Please don't go, please don't leave me all alone here with this weirdo.

They walked out and closed the back door. I sighed and sat down on the chair. The room was completely silent. I sat there for a few seconds before getting up and picking up the plates on the table.

In the corner of my eyes I saw Sehun picking up the dishes too. He's seriously helping out.

"I told you I can help out without anyone asking me to." He spoke

I rolled my eyes and kept on putting the plates on the tray. I took the tray with all the dirty dishes and went to the kitchen with Sehun following behind me. I put them in the sink and Sehun did the same.

"Why don't you get a maid or something." He asked

"If we had enough money to get maids for the house, then I wouldn't be engaged to you now would I?" I said

He cringed at what I said then put on a disgusted face. I looked at him strangely while putting on the gloves for washing the dishes.

"Don't ever say that again." He said seriously

"Say what?" I asked

"Just go back to doing your work, I'll be in the living room." He said and left

"Oh I can actually help without someone making me." I mocked in a weird voice

"Did you say something?" He popped his head back in the kitchen

"Nope, must've been your imagination." I cleared my throat

He walked closer to me and then leaned on the counter, putting his elbows on there for support.

"No I'm pretty sure I heard something." He smirked

I closed the running water and took off the gloves. I slowly moved away and went back to the living room.

"Are you running away? Are you perhaps scared of me?" He smirked

"What exactly are you trying to achieve here? Seriously go away." I sighed

"I would love to do that, unfortunately I'm stuck with you." He made a disgusted face

"Oh you're such a child."

He walked even closer to me but I stood still not moving an inch.

"Stop acting all tough, it doesn't suit you." He said

"Move out of my way." I glared

"Make me." He bend down to be on the same height level as me

"We're back!" My mom yelled as she walked in with Mrs. Oh by her side

Sehun quickly moved away and sat down on one of the chairs. I mentally thanked them for their perfect timing.

"Oh, you guys cleaned up." My mom said

Well some more than others. I smiled and nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll be going first." Sehun stood up and smiled towards my mom

Ugh, his acts just make me sick. Pretending to be a gentleman. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He winked at me and smiled.

"Well I guess we have to get going too." Mrs. Oh smiled towards my mom and hugged her

She walked over to me and gave me a hug as well. She walked to the garden and called her husband before walking out the door.

"I hope we can come over again, or maybe invite you to our house." Mr. Oh spoke to my dad

He shook my hand and then walked out with the rest of his family. I looked at the window to see them entering their fancy car. Damn their filthy rich life.

I sighed and sat down feeling exhausted. Today was a very long day.

"By the way, have you heard?" My mom asked while smiling

"Heard what?" I asked

"That dress you're wearing right now was chosen by Sehun." My mom chuckled

I laughed along with her. Yeah no, I don't believe one bit of it.

I went to my bedroom to change into my pajamas. I laid down on my bed afterwards thinking about the way he was acting today. That was even with my parents around. What's gonna happen to me when we start living together?

Oh he's gonna make my life a living hell. Why is he such an arrogant jerk to me!? He probably thinks he looks so cool in front of everyone whenever he acts like that.


I let out a loud sigh as I laid on my bed. I closed my eyes to rest. I got up again when I heard my dad calling me. I walked over to his office and knocked before walking in.

"You called?" I said

"Yes, sit down." He said

I took one of the chairs and sat on there.

"You do know that you have a huge responsibility in this family, right?" He asked

"Yes, I know. I'm the heir of Oh corporations." I replied

"Do you know why you're getting married?" He asked

I looked at him and shook my head. I leaned back on the chair and eyed him.

"Not exactly." I said

"Our dear vice Chairman wants to get another promotion. He's looking to take over the company when I resign soon." He started

"Soon?" I asked


"Next week there will be an upcoming party, our family was formally invited to it." My mom announced

"Why exactly are you mentioning this? I never go to them." I said

"Yeah but this year is different." She said

"How so?" I raised a brow

"You know, you have someone to go with you." She smiled cheekily

"I'm not going and especially not with her." I spoke sternly

"I'm sure she would like to go." She frowned

"Not like I care." I said

"Well you don't have a choice. You're going and you're taking her with you." My mom said and left the room

"I'm not going!!!" I yelled

"Hey show some respect, did you forget that I was your mother? My decision is final. You will be going and you will take her with you." She peeked her head in the room

"Ugh." I groaned

"Now hurry up or you'll be late to class!" My mom yelled from the living room

I picked up my backpack and car keys and walked out of the house.


Have a good day or goodnight 😴

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