Chapter 39

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I woke up feeling the dip in the bed rise. I opened my eyes and saw Victoria tiptoeing softly and slowly, trying to sneak out of the room. I chuckled at her sight.

"Where do you think you're going?" I smiled as I sat down while leaning on the bed frame

She turned around slowly and showed a funny apologetic face.

"Did I wake you up?" She asked

"The bed is cold now, come back here." I whined motioning her to come over

"I have to make breakfast now though." She whined back

"Noooooo." I whined

We both laughed at each other. I finally got up sitting on the bed for a minute or two, ruffling my hair. I grabbed my t-shirt that was lying on the floor and put it on. She left to make breakfast while I wash up.

I turned the water on and washed my face, I looked up at the mirror to see my face. Now that I think about it, the last time I was here I was practically a kid. Fresh outta high school, alright maybe a bit older but I've changed quite a bit. I looked at my eyes and noticed the dark circles under them. I splashed water on my face again then dried it off and got out of the restroom.

I took some clothes from my bag to change. I was about to change my pants when then the door swung open.

"Oh my god I'm sorry!" She yelled surprised then left the room quickly

I laughed shaking my head at her childishness. I guess some things never change right? I put on my shirt and got out of the bedroom.

She was standing there in the kitchen with her arms crossed and her back facing me. I sneaked up on her and held her arms yelling to scare her.

"Stop!" She yelled punching me

"Ow." I groaned

"Sorry!" She yelled like she was scolding me

I laughed at her reaction. She was blushing, it was so visible.

"Why were you peeking at me changing?" I furrowed my brows to tease her

"I wasn't you know that!" She yelled smacking me

"Haven't you seen enough last-"

"AH SHUSH!" She yelled holding her ears

I laughed at her reaction, "Alright alright fine let's go eat." I chuckled

We sat down eating breakfast quietly. I looked up at her. She was eating slowly and silently. Now that I think about it, I'm not the only one that has changed. She looked up at me and smiled.

"What's wrong?" She asked tilting her head

I was quiet for a second, thinking about what to say.

"Why?" I asked

"Why what?" She asked

"Why did you get even prettier? Now I have to worry about guys looking at you." I shook my head

She rolled her eyes and smiled

"It goes both ways." She said

I sat there silent for a second thinking about what she said then I started smirking.

"So, do you still love me?" I smirked

"No I just felt bad for you so I let you spend the night with me." She rolled her eyes

"So you don't." I sighed

"Oh shut up you know I do."

"I'm just teasing you." I chuckled


"Mr. vice-chairman I'm stealing her from you. Tell your secretary to stop leaving so damn much." I pulled Victoria to me

"Hey Sehun, you can't just barge in here while I'm working-"

"Alright bye bye Miss Victoria, have fun." Said Vice-chairman

She paused and looked at the Vice-chairman with wide eyes.

"Alright let's go." I smiled and held her hand

"What about my job?" She asked

"You'll be working next to the official chairman. Now miss Victoria let's get to work." I smirked

I faced her and swiftly bent down to give her a peck on the lips. I smirked and walked inside my office, leaving her behind. I heard her groan making me chuckle.


As soon as we arrived at his house Sehun handed me his papers and jumped on the couch laying down. I threw the paper assignments back at him hitting his face.

"Didn't you say you'll help me?" He asked

"Finish these papers first and then ask me again." I smiled

"Can I at least get a good luck kiss? I deserve it." He smirked

"Finish your papers Sehun." I said

He chuckled, starting on the papers. After a couple hours of working I looked back only to find Sehun already asleep with all his papers lying on the side. I picked up all his papers and put them in his file. I looked at his sleeping face, admiring him.

I sighed as I took out a blanket from the closet. I put it on top of Sehun and sat next to him.

"You've been pretty busy lately with your chairman stuff that I just don't have enough time to admire your face." I said talking to sleeping Sehun

"Oh really? Shouldn't I be saying that?" He said in his deep sleep voice

My heart fluttered in shock. I looked at him but he was still asleep. Then he suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at me. He caressed my right cheek then gently pulled me to kiss him. I gave him a soft peck and moved but he held my wrist as I was about to get up.

"Come here and lay next to me." He patted the little spot next to him on the couch

"I'm gonna fall if I lay there." I said

He scooted back more to give me more space and patted the spot next to him again.

"I won't let you fall as long as you're in my arms." He smiled widely and pulled me

I fell on top of him so I tried getting back up but Sehun wouldn't let go of me. He rolled us so that I was facing the side of the couch with the cushions. He wrapped his arms around me and put the blanket over me as well.

"What are you doing?" I chuckled

"Come on let's just stay like this for a little while." He smiled

"I don't mind." I smiled back



"Let's get married." He blurted out


Hello everyone👋❤️

Have a good day🌼 or goodnight🥀

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