Chapter 37

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Everyone was quiet and gloomy as the coffin was being lowered into the ground. You could hear a few sniffs and sobs. Others were staring silently. One of them being Sehun.

Yes, he was back, just so suddenly. He just showed up without telling anyone. He stood there with his no facial expressions and cold eyes that most people see on him. But all I saw was pain written all over his face as I watched from afar.

The coffin reached the ground and they started covering the coffin with dirt. The people started throwing their flowers onto the grave.

After a while, people started leaving. And eventually they all left but Sehun didn't move and neither did I. I didn't know whether to comfort him or greet him or just leave him alone. I couldn't talk to him in fear of just hurting him more.

I stayed put in my spot waiting for Sehun to move or do something. Soon the sky became dark and cloudy and then it started to rain, and it only kept getting heavier. But even with the rain and the gray sky, he did not move. We stayed in the rain for half an hour till I thought that was enough.

I grabbed the umbrella that was sitting in my car and went back to my spot. I approached Sehun and cleared my throat. I stood next to him and held the umbrella over his head, without saying a word.

After a few seconds, he glanced over at me with the softest eyes and then back at the grave. He sighed and stayed put.

"If you continue to stay out here you'll get sick." I whispered

He didn't move nor did he say anything. I waited a bit for him to respond but nothing came out of his mouth. I waited another ten minutes but that was all I could take. His clothes were all wet and he was starting to shiver.

"Sehun, please." I whispered again while shivering

My heart skipped a beat when he turned to me with his glassy eyes. He looked at me for a few seconds with a frown while I stared back. He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly.

That was when I heard him sniffing and crying. He sounded so broken, so in pain. It broke my heart to pieces. I've never seen him like this before. He always had that cold wall up so no one could see his emotions.

"I missed you so much." He sobbed as he held me tighter

I felt my own eyes watering as tears were forming. I hugged him as tight as I could hoping it would help in some way.

"I guess he won't be there when I go visit home." He said with a shaky voice

"I'm so sorry." I cried

"He's so burdensome, I don't ever wanna see him again." He whispered

I stayed quiet and held onto him tightly. He lowered his head and placed it on my shoulders. I pat his back with my free hand to try to get him to calm down.


I woke up feeling something heavy on my legs. I looked down and saw Sehun asleep with his head resting on my lap. I fell asleep while sitting on the couch in my apartment. We ended up coming here to rest and talk.

I looked at him and saw that he was still fast asleep. I slowly caressed his face and brushed his messy hair with my hands. He stirred up a bit in his sleep then opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.

"Hey." I smiled at him

"Hey." He smiled softly

He closed his eyes again before getting up. He sat next to me and sighed.

"Did I hurt you?" He said as he massaged my legs

I gulped in nervousness from the sudden contact. I looked away as soon as we made eye contact making him laugh. I still couldn't believe he was back.

"We still have so much to talk about." I started

Just then his phone rang. He let go of me and picked it up and furrowed his eyebrows before answering the call.

I could hear the conversation even if it was a bit muffled.

"Hey, Sehun how are you doing?" The voice asked

"I'm doing well." He answered

"I need to see you as soon as possible to discuss a few things with you." His mother asked

"Alright." He said

"Goodbye, I love you." Said Mrs. Oh

"Bye." Sehun ended the call

"An 'I love you too' would have been a better reply." I crossed my arms

"I'm not in the mood." He said getting up

"Hey, let's go see my mom right now. We can talk about everything when we're back." Sehun said taking his jacket that was lying on the couch

"I think she wants to discuss private matters with you." I said

"No, she would want to see you too." He said

"Just go, I'll wait for you here. We can catch up after you're back. I'll be waiting for you." I smiled

He nodded and waved before leaving the house. I sighed and chuckled, he's really back?


"Kai." I unlocked the door

"Hey, why didn't you answer your phone-"

Kai paused as Sehun got out of his car and walked in from behind me. Kai looked back and forth at us.

"What? when did he come back and why-"

"Why are you here Kai?" Asked Sehun sighing

"Victoria can we talk?" Asked Kai

"You can talk to her here." Sehun responded

"Wait here, Sehun." I got out and closed the door behind me before he could say anything else

"Why is he here and why is he going in like he owns the place?" Started Kai

"I- well he came back recently and I saw him at the funeral and-"

"You told me you moved on." He looked at me with soft eyes

I paused for a second looking at Kai's eyes. He held a frown on his face.

"I don't know, I couldn't just stand there when he was right in front of me." I sighed

"What about me then?"

"What do you mean? Kai I'm still gonna see you, you're my closest fri-"

"What if I don't wanna be just your friend?" He blurted out

"What's gotten into you? Why are you doing this right now?" I whispered

"I'm gonna leave before I make things worse. Hopefully I see you around Victoria." He hung his head down and sighed

I watched as he left back to his car. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. What has gotten into him?

"Victoria." Sehun called out

I turned around and there he was leaning on the door frame.

"Come on, let's get dressed and go eat somewhere. We can talk more there." He smiled

I walked back inside and glanced back one more time before shutting the door. Hopefully he'll come back to his senses.


Hello lovelies♥️

Hope you enjoyed reading♥️ and have a good day🌸 (or goodnight🌙)

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