I love you too.

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(A/N This is super short, but i think its really cute. Enjoy:))
Mike and El were 15 years old, Eleven was already talking a lot, and these two lovers
love for each other just grew and grew.

Mike and El were in Eleven's bedroom. They were just chatting and cuddling.
Somehow they started playing a game.
They had to draw or write something with their fingers on each others back,
and one of them had to guess what the other one drew.

Eleven was first. Mike turned around and felt El's soft fingertips draw something.
She traced a circle and he immediately knew what it was.
"El you are drawing an Eggo"
Eleven burst out laughing, followed by Mike.
"Okay let me do one more" She said.
Mike nodded.
"Three words"
She started writing something, when she finished, Mike thought for a second and his
lips immediately formed a huge smile.
He turned around facing El. He grabbed her cheeks.
"I love you too El"
Eleven smiled widely and they leaned in, forming a soft and sweet kiss.

Mileven One-Shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now