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[Age: 16&17 (Btw this is a long one)]

"Mike" She shook him.
He groaned in response and buried his face in his pillow. Eleven sighed and looked at him for a few seconds before climbing on his back.
"Mike" She whispered. She leaned up a bit and slightly kissed the crook of his neck, hoping that would work. Mike just tensed up a bit and continued his sleep. Eleven sighed and moved his body were it was next to him. Her movements made him move, plopping himself facing her. She smiled at the view of his sleeping boyfriend. His freckles perfectly lay across his cheeks and nose, and his curly messy dark hair was even messier than it normally was, and she loved it. She loved every little piece of him.
"Mike" She tried again, this time placing her hand on his cheek.
Eleven smiled in satisfaction of him finally being awake.
"Can we go out and take photos? With Jonathan's old camera? The one he gave me for christmas?" She whispered.
He finally opened his eyes, giving up on trying to get extra sleep today.

He rubbed his eyes and then her eyes finally met his. Mike looked at her for a few seconds before placing his arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him. She grinned in response. Mike leaned in and gave her quick and ticklish kisses all over her face, earning a giggle from her.

He gave her one last peck on her nose, this time lingering his lips. He leaned back and their eyes met once more. Eleven gave him a look, waiting for him to respond to her question from a few moments ago.

And that's when Mike realized he had completely forgotten about her 'question'.

He nodded "Yeah, sure. Let me get dressed" He said in a raspy voice.

Mike grabbed his bike and sat on the front seat.
"Hop on" He said, patting the backseat.
Eleven nodded and sat, wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

They rode until they found a nice spot in the forest where they took pictures of the views, the trees, the leafs, the flowers. Sometimes Mike would make funny faces or poses to the camera that would make El snort out in laughter. Or sometimes, Eleven would get distracted on a flower or the sky and Mike would capture the moment.

On another occasion Mike made a, what he thought was a smart move, to impress Eleven. He started climbing up a tree, she took some pictures whilst he did. But suddenly Mike slept off the tree. Quickly Eleven left the camera fall and lowered her head, creating the same stare she had been doing for 16 years. She used her powers to stop the fall and she left Mike slowly on the floor. After that she ran and sat down next to him.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks for that" He scratched the back of his neck.

"You know, you don't need to impress me. You already did these past years. And you still do everyday. These past five years of your life have been based on protecting me" Eleven pressed her lips together and looked up at him.

Mike chuckled and brought her hand up to her face, rubbing the blood dripping from her nose away with his thumb. Eleven smiled at his action and leaned down, kissing his freckled cheek.

Mike and Eleven left the bike outside his house. He grabbed her hand and laced their fingers. Just when they were about to open the door  she stopped him;

"Mike, can I take you one last picture" She said

Mike looked back at her.

"Sit down there" She pointed at a white plastic chair on the porch.

Mike sighed and rolled his eyes playfully. He sat down on the chair and she took a picture. Eleven walked up to him and sat down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her waist. Together they looked at the pictures that they had taken today, laughing at some of them. When they finished Eleven rested her head on his shoulder.

"I've had a great time" She said.

"Me too" He said, resting his head on hers.

After a few seconds he looked down at her and placed his hand on her cheek, making her look up at him. He leaned down a bit and pressed his lips against hers.
She smiled into the kiss and kissed back, placing her hand on the back of his neck, pulling him closer. They leaned back and she grinned at him before pecking his lips one more time.

"You're cute" She poked his nose.

Mike wrinkled his nose and smiled, leaning back in.

"I love you" He said against her lips.

Eleven leaned back and looked straight into his dark eyes.

"I love you too"

That night Eleven selected some pictures and hung them up on her bedroom, one of them was Mike on the porch, others were of the views of the forest, and one of them was her favorite. It showed both Mike and Eleven, her kissing his cheek and him giving a toothy smile to the camera.

There you go! I hope you guys enjoyed the reading❤️ Thank you so much for reading and for all of your support, you guys are literally the cutest and most supportive.
Love you,

Mileven One-Shots (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now