I really want to kiss you

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Note: I'm really sorry to the person that requested a one shot. I honestly had no time this week. This one was written a few weeks ago, so I'm posting so you guys have something new! To @megmax679 ; I'll make sure to write and post your request this weekend since I'll have more time! You're requests are always welcome, same to anyone who wants to. Thanks for reading and enjoy this one shot!

[Age: 16 & 17]

"Wow" He breathed.

"You look stunning"

El's cheeks warmed up.

"Thanks Wheeler. You don't look bad yourself" She smirked, kissing his cheek.

"Are ya'll kiddos ready up there?" Karen shouted.

"Yeah, we're coming!"

El and Mike walked down the stairs hand in hand. Elevens baby pink silk dress flowed naturally as she walked, and her waved short hair slightly jumped, bumping against her jaw every time.

Today they were having a family dinner with the gang and their families. It was kind of a tradition to do it once per year. They would all go dressed up in fancy clothes.


Joyce opened the door, greeting the Wheelers. As Mike and El came into the house they found all of their friends spread around the living room.

"Max!" El cried.

They have become extremely close, and even though they've seen each other a few hours ago, they missed each other.

"Ellll" She said, wrapping her arms around the brunette girl.

"You look amazing!"

"So do you!" El looked at Max's beautiful green dress, which matched perfectly with her red hair.


They all sat down on their seats, having their meal. Everyone talked and ate, sharing laughs, stupid and interesting conversations. Of course El and Mike were sitting next to each other.

El stuffed some food in her mouth. Mike looked at her and instantly smiled, she looked adorable.

"Hey you got something there" He pointed out.

El furrowed her eyebrows.


Mike grabbed a napkin and cleaned the side of her mouth.

"All done" He chuckled.

El gave him a goofy smile.

"Thanks Mike"

He responded with a grin, a grin that made her heart completely melt. She brushed it off and continued eating her meal.

A while past by and Mike couldn't help but get lost looking at the girl next to him. Looking at her brown curious eyes, her round small nose. How her cheeks raised every time she smiled or laughed. At her pink and so kissable lips.

He bit his lip and leaned foreward, making her jump a little at the sudden contact.

"I really want to kiss you right now" He whispered, sending chills down her neck.

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