The chef

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[Age: 16 & 17. This story is very cliché btw]

"Okay we got the milk?" He pointed out

Eleven nodded, grinning.

"The sugar?"


"Great, now let the chef show you what to do" He said in a smart tone, pulling his sleeves up.

Eleven scoffed and grinned at him.

"Mike you do realize we are just making a cake" She chuckled.

Mike tilted his head and thought for a second, then looked up and nodded. Eleven giggled at his actions.

Mike placed a bowl on the middle of the table and poured some butter and sugar, followed by other ingredients.

"Okay can you pass me the flour?"

"Yeah" She said handing him the flour.

She turned around to grab a spoon and right when she turned back facing Mike he threw some of the flour to her face, making her gasp.

"Mike!" She said, lifting her arms in the air.

Mike snort out in laughter.

Eleven smirked and grabbed a hand full of flour.

"There you go!" She said before throwing the flour to his face.

"Like it?" She asked, placing a hand on her hip and bursting out in laughter

"Oh it's on" Mike said, dipping some of his fingers on the melted chocolate.

"Oh no no no no no" She said, slowly walking backwards.

"Oh yeah" He said.

"Mike no!" She shouted running around the house and giggling.

He finally reached up to her and grabbed her by the waist with one of his arms, both falling onto the couch.

Unfortunately for El, Mike landed on top of her, getting the complete lead of the 'war'.

With no warn he passed his fingers full of chocolate around her face.

She laughed at his action, giving up on protesting.

"You are such a mouth breather" She bit her lip, smiling.

"Mhm" He said before leaning a few inches that separated them.

"Let me just..." He leaned in and kissed her.

"Tastes good" He said nodding to himself.

Eleven titled her head and furrowed her eyebrows.

"The chocolate"

She grinned widely and leaned in, connecting their lips once more.

So I hope u liked it! I wanted to ask you guys, I've been working on a one shot really hard. The kids are 17 and 18 in it. It mentions alcohol and make outs between a couple. Should I publish it? It's really long. Let me know of you wanna read it. It's about Eleven's first party. I wanted to do kind of a different and stronger (?) one shot. I think It's pretty good, but I wanted to first ask you guys if you want to read it. If you do, I'll publish it tonight.

Have a nice day and thanks for reading❤️


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