Did I do that to you?

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[Age: 16 & 17]

A small amount of sun peaked through the slightly closed curtains, hitting right on her left eye. Her eyes fluttered open, bringing her hands to her face to rub them. Eleven sighed as she let her arms fall to her sides. She finally looked beside her, finding Mike in deep sleep. His dark messy hair covered his eyes. His arm was spread across the bed, just as if he had wanted to get to her whilst he was sleeping, and her lips formed a little smile at the thought. She watched as his chest rose and fell heavily.

She dragged herself onto the edge of the bed. Sighing before standing up and stretching her arms. Her feet touched the fluffy carpet. She ran her fingers through her short hair, in attempt to brush it a little. Eleven walked across the room, taking one last glance at the boy before walking out of it.

She walked down the stairs lazily, though she kind of walked a little quicker as the scent of eggos hit her. She walked into the kitchen to see a familiar figure, which is not usual to see in this house anymore.


The girl turns around and smiles widely when she sees Eleven.

"El!" She said, lifting her arms and walking up to her.

They both hug for a few seconds.

"What are you doing here?" El asked, grinning.

"Thought I might surprise you guys" She shrugged.

"I made breakfast!" She said, signalizing for her to come sit down with her.

"Thanks Nance, where's mum?" She said as they sat down.

"Oh, she went out. She'll come back tonight"

Eleven nodded, taking a sip of her hot coffee.

"Where's Mike?" She asked.


"Hmh" Nancy said, looking at Eleven, almost like a detective.

"What?" She chuckled.

"Oh nothing... So how are you two doing?"

"Great. Like always" She smiled

Nancy brought her hand to Eleven's neck, brushing away some of her hair and pointing at some dark marks on it.

"I see" She smirked.

Eleven furrowed her eyebrows and brought her hand to her neck. Nancy just looked at her, raising her eyebrows. Eleven didn't exactly know what she had caught that was so interesting, but she had an idea. Those marks had to be from last night, she didn't have them yersterday.

"Relax" Nancy giggled.

"I don't care. It's mum who you have to worry about. She better not see those" She said, taking a bite of her eggo.

Eleven laughed, letting her hand fall to the table.

"Speak of the devil" Nancy said, moving her eyes to the stairs. She quickly took a sip of her coffee before letting it on the table and standing up.

"Nancy?" Mike said in a raspy voice, scratching the back of his neck. He furrowed his eyebrows, his messy hair all over the place.

Nancy giggled and Eleven chuckled. His sister walked up to him and they shared a long hug. They separated and Mike looked at Eleven, who was having her eggo. He grinned, not only because he thought it was amazing she never got tired of eggos, but because she was wearing his t-shirt, which was over sized on her, it fit almost like a dress.

A ringing tone interrupted his gaze.

"The phone. I'll get it" Nancy said, before walking off.

Mike walked into the kitchen, gaining attention from El.

"Morning El" He said, walking behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind and squeezing her.

"Morning" She replied, looking up at him.

Their faces were really close.

"Shit" He said, his eyes looking down at her neck.

With his hand he moved her hair away, revealing the dark spots again.

"Did I do that to you?" He raised an eyebrow, obviously faking his obliviousness.

Eleven chuckled and hit his chest. He laughed and kissed one of the spots gently.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked, as he sat down on his seat.


"Mum is not coming until tomorrow, how about we do something today?" Nancy interrupted, walking into the kitchen

"Sounds great" Mike agreed, bitting his eggo.

I hope this one is better written than last. I'm falling asleep whilst writing this so i'm sorry for any mistakes or bad structured sentences. I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for reading!


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