Little adventure (Part 2)

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Age: 16 & 17


El nodded.

"Buckle up"

Mike started driving, and almost immediately they both started singing and jumping to the songs that blasted through the speakers, sharing laughs and stupid moves.

"El, babe" he whispered

El slowly opened her eyes, finding Mike looking down at her, his hand on her shoulder.

"W-where are we?" She mumbled, sitting up.

"We're here!" He smiled.

El's face lit up. She looked around.

"Yes!" She squealed. She ran out of the car and directly onto the sand.

Mike shook his head and bit his lip looking at her, walking far behind (since she was running) with all of the supplies they had brought in hand.

"A little help here?" He shouted, chuckling.

El looked behind her.

"Oops" She laughed, running back and grabbing a bag.

"Thanks" He laughed.


"Hey how about we go in the water?" He asked.

El smiled and nodded.

They stood up and she took her beach dress off and him his shirt off, balling it up and throwing them onto the towel.

"Hop on!" He said, bending down.

El grinned and jumped onto his back, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. His hands were on her thighs, holding her.

They, well, he started walking into the water.

El placed her head on his shoulder, his wavy hair tickling her cheek.

Mike's burning sensation on his chest was on fire.

Wow he was so in love with this girl.

"Okay, I'm dropping you"

"What? Wait Mike the water is co-"


Mike looked behind him with a smirk plastered on his face. He laughed when El came back up, her hair all wet, as well as her whole body of course.

"You mouthbreather!"

Mike laughed even harder.

She started laughing too, since his laugh was so contagious.

Once they calmed down, El swam closer to him and placed her hands on his chest, going on her tip toes to kiss him. Mike leaned down a little.


El pushed him to the water right before their lips connected and started laughing uncontrollably.

Mike swam up and looked at her.

"Hey!" He shouted.

El stuck her tongue out to him and started swimming away.

But, Mike swam faster and with one arm he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her against him.

She smiled up at him.

That fire we were talking about before?

It burned even more.

She felt the same way, actually.

She wrapped his waist and her arms around his neck. His hands were on her back.

She leaned down and he leaned up, their heartbeats running faster as they came closer.

They shared a gaze before their lips were pressed against each other.

Mike pushed his hands slightly harder against her back, pulling her as closer as he could.

Their lips moved in sync for a few seconds, both of them tasting the salty water on their lips. And right when they were pulling away, he tugged on her lower lip, making her grin.

She placed her head on his shoulder and him on the crook of her neck.

"I love you" She said.

Mike kissed her neck.

"I love you too"


I hope you've enjoyed reading!!💫 Thanks for your read and support.❤️


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