Back in the pool

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[Age: 16 &17]

"No! No way she's doing that again!" Mike shouted at Hopper.

"Kiddo, it's the only way to contact Will-"

"There has to be another way!"

"I'll do it" Eleven said, walking from behind Mike.

Hopper nods.

"I'll wait for you outside" He said, before walking off.

Eleven sighs and turns to Mike.

"Mike-" She said in a louder tone

"No El. You are not doing that again"

"Mike, I'm not going to let you decide what It's mine to decide!" She shouted

"And I am not going to let you in that pool!"

"Why? Don't you wan-"

El stopped herself, her expression softened seeing Mike's eyes becoming glossy, and filled with tears.

"I don't want to lose you again" He said, almost as a whisper and looking down at his feet.

Eleven's eyes also were starting to fill up, but she pushed them back. She hated being this sensible.

"Hey hey hey" She said, getting closer to him and grabbing his face.

"You are not going to lose me. I promise." She gulped.

He brought his hand to his face and quickly whipped off his tears. He nodded and sniffled.

"Okay" He said.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him. He placed his arms around her petite torso really tight, burying his face on her shoulder. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to think that everything was going to be okay. On the other side, Eleven gulped, hoping everything would be fine. She was actually scared. She's always been scared of that place. But she had to do it, for Will.


Everyone was waiting for Eleven around the pool. It was a very similar scene to the one of 1983, only this time they were all older, and Max was there.

Eleven and Mike were in a classroom. He handed her some goggles wrapped with some black tape. She gave him that specific smile she always gives him when she is nervous or scared.

"You will be fine" He said, looking down at her.

"I'll be there with you" He added.

She nodded, looking up at him.

He placed his hand on her cheek, and the other one rested on her jaw.

"I love you, okay?" He gulped

"I love you too Mike" She said

He leaned down, softly pressing his lips against hers, forming a gentle kiss.

They leaned back, immediately locking eyes after it. He let his hand fall and grabbed hers. She looked at their interlaced hands.


Eleven took a deep breath and met his dark eyes once more.



Mike held her hand as she stepped into the pool, helping her lay down on the water, obviously floating. Just before he let go her hand he softly kissed it, making her slightly smile.

She felt as the water wrapped her short hair. A little of pain in her head formed, as she tried to find Will.

She suddenly opened her eyes. Finding herself between darkness. Only darkness. She slowly walked around, trying to find the lost boy. Eleven suddenly heard some growling, making her tense up. But somehow, after a few seconds, she felt warm and relaxed.
She didn't know, but Mike had taken her hand into his.

"I'm right here El" She heard Mike's voice eco around her. She took a deep breath and continued walking.

She heard that noise again, this time closer. She felt someone behind her, so she turned around. No one. She turned again, feeling something strange.


"You have to go Eleven"

"Will, is that you?"

"Yes El. You have to leave. Now."

"Why? Where are you?"

"Mirkwood. Now leave El. Before it gets here!"

"What? What is going to get here?!"

"Will? Will! Will"

And suddenly she woke up in the pool, grabbing onto Mike's arm and him quickly wrapping both of his arms around her. She sobbed onto his t-shirt. Practically his whole body was wet. But he didn't care.

"Shhhh... Shhhh..." He said, passing his fingers through her wet hair.

"I'm here, it's me. We're together... El you did it" He said in a soft tone.

He kissed her head.

"Shhhh" He said, slowly rocking her back and foreword.


I hope you've enjoyed this story! Thanks for reading, love u all!❤️

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