Volume Truth II: Dear Hater: A Guide to dealing with Hater Comments!

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Disclaimer: This is dedicated to no one in particular. I just sometimes get sick of seeing people tearing  down writer's on this site and I felt an obligation to say something.  I've gotten some hater comments, too  (All of the haters comments were private messages. No one has left a hater comment on my actual  work!)  

and I needed to write this for myself, too.  

Internet bullying should not be tolerated on this site and it's sad to see writers leave because of it! I hope you like it. Writing this post has taught me that words will only hurt me if I let them. And I hope you all  realize the same! <3 


Hater comments can discourage people from finishing a novel and some people may feel so discourage that they may quit the site, altogether. People will send you hate mail and then they will attack your story for no apparent reason. 

Hate comments: Your story is the worst story I have ever read.  Why would you ever write something so disturbing? Why do you have so many fans when you suck at writing? 

When you respond, "Why would you ever go to such extreme lengths to write something  so  hurtful?" 

The hater will respond, "You should be more open to constructive criticism." 

And you will think, "Dear hater, your comment not only attacked me as writer but also attacked my personhood. Your comment was not constructive or positive in anyway. You fail to recognize the difference between constructive criticism and bullying. The fans who actually comment my story know how point out the flaws of the story in a constructive fashion." 

Hater mail-  Comments or messages that are completely negatively! 

Why do people leave hater comments :  Some people feel empowered when they bring others down! Some people are plain jealous and they handle their green envy by lashing out on others. You will be a victim of hater mail. It is inevitable. You are opening yourself and your work up to the world. And people will judge for every word you write and every mistake you make.  


Dear hater,

I feel sorry for you.

I'm sorry that you feel the need to attack me as person.

I'm sorry that you feel as if you know me.

You'll never know me.

And I'll never let your words define me.

You  keep trying to break me but

I can't be broken.

And I won't allow you to break anyone else on this site. 

Keep tying.

Keep spewing out hate.

You're only destroying yourself. 

And you say that you could do some much better.

 You say that you are so much better than every author on this site. 

Prove it.

Put your heart and your soul into a novel.

Dedicate yourself to something positive.

Let go of the deep hatred that burns through your heart.

Do you really think you can do better?

Because I don't think you can.

You'll spend your life criticizing others but you'll  never accomplish anything.

Do you remember that girl's story? 

You told her that no one would ever read her story.

You spent days and months trying to tear her personhood down.

But she didn't break.

Oh, no she didn't break under your words.

Now, she's on the  New York Times Best Seller list. 

She's inspired millions.

What have you really done with your life?

You're still a coward and hypocrite.

Ten years.

Ten long years and you're still behind that computer.

Oh, It's you that I feel sorry for you.

And I use to hate you so much.

But I don't hate you any longer.

Because you've given me strength.

And now, I'm stronger than ever.

Thank you Hater, for giving me strength.

Thank you hater, for teaching me how to only focus on the positve aspects of  my life.

Your comments will no longer hurt me.

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