Part Four

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Jonathan's POV

We've somehow made it to nine o'clock, without anyone breaking anything in Sharp's house. Pat and Kayla are in the basement watching tv and Corey and Kami are asleep in the living room, so I leave them and go off to find Laura. She went upstairs awhile ago, so I had up the stairs, trying to to attract too much attention. 

It's quiet on the second floor, but I can hear typing and paper shuffling down the hall. I follow the sound, tip-toeing when I pass Mady's room. I find Laura in Patrick and Abby's bedroom, sitting criss-crossed on the ground and leaning against the bed. Her hair is in a messy bun and her glasses sit at the tip of her nose. Diagrams with different plays on them are spread out around her and her laptop looks like it's filled with about ten different windows open. "Hey," I say, coming into the room and sitting down next to her. 

Laura's POV 

I came upstairs about thirty minutes ago. Drinking isn't really my thing, I leave that to Kami and Kayla who like to party a lot, though I notice that Kayla hasn't touched the alcohol at all tonight. Jonny, Kami, Corey, Kayla, and Pat are all playing in the game on Sunday against the Blues, so I figured I'd just let them bond. Since I'm assistant coach, Coach Q asked me to draw up some game plans for practice and for the game. I've been studying our powerplay efforts and I was working on our defensive lines when Jonny came and found me. "Hey," he says, sitting down next to me. "What are you doing up here all alone?" "Just working on some stuff for you guys and Q," I tell him. "Then, I have to work on some school stuff." He frowns, "School stuff?" "Yeah, silly, some of us are not born with natural talent like you," I tell him. In addition to being an assistant coach for the Hawks, I'm taking classes to get my financial degree from UIC. Jonny wraps his arms around me, his 6'2'' frame swallowing me up. "Don't stress too much about it. You work so hard." "Thanks babe," I say, pushing my glasses back up my nose and giving him a kiss. "You, too." I turn back to the spreadsheet open on my laptop. "Now do you have any ideas on how to improve our powerplay?" "Well," he starts. All of a sudden, we hear a car screech outside, almost like someone is swerving, and then a girl screams. Jonny and I both jump up and run outside to see what happened.  

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