Part Twenty-Nine

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Jonathan's POV

I wake up on the plane ride and pull off my sleeping mask. Laura's got some wedding magazines out, little tabs marking off certain pages. She smiles at me as I reach over and grab one, wanting to see what she's marking. I open to the first tab and it's a checklist of everything that has to be done. My eyes widen at the list. It says that some of this stuff is supposed to be done almost a year before the wedding and here we are with just a month before ours. "Are you sure we're going to have all this done before the wedding?" I ask her, pointing to the page. "Mmhmm," she nods, still concentrating on the pictures of dresses in front of her.

She catches me peering over at her page and she quickly moves so that I can't see the pictures. "Hey, no peeking! You can't see the dress until the wedding day!" she laughs. I put my hands up in a mock surrender, "Fine, fine. I promise I won't peek." She pulls a notebook out of her seat pocket. "So here's what I was thinking," she says, handing me the open notebook. I look over her sketches and notes. White peonies and red rose topiaries everywhere. "I see you picked Hawks colors," I say, smiling. "I thought you'd like it," she smiles back. "So is everything getting put together when we come back?" I ask. "Yep," she says. "We have to go to a cake tasting, and you and your groomsmen have to get fitted for suits. Then the girls and I have to get their dresses and find mine. I'm placing the flower orders when we get to Sochi, if you like them, and then we also have to decide what we want for dinner."

"Man," I sigh, "How on Earth are you managing all of this?" "I mean, I manage you guys, so this wedding's actually pretty easy," she says jokingly. "We actually have to pick our first song too. I signed us up for dancing lessons, for when we get back." she says. "I know you'll love those." I turn to look at her. "You didn't..." "Oh yes I did," she says laughing at my shocked expression. She hugs me and I mutter, "The things I do sometimes," but secretly I just can't wait to marry her and I'll do anything for her, even go through dancing lessons. 

Heidi's POV

The apartment feels so lonely without Laura, so I decide to go do something. Laura left me a list of places to check out in the neighborhood and I scan the list, looking for something interesting to do. My eyes catch the words Ice Rink and I follow the line across to look at the address. It's been awhile since I've stepped on the ice, but it sounds like something fun to do, so I decide that, what the heck, I must as well. I feed Zamboni, then slip on my North Face, my Hawks pom-pom hat, and some gloves. I grab the condo key and the keys to Laura's car, which she said I could borrow.

I've never driven a sports car, so I'm extra careful on the way to the rink. I pull into the lot, and get out, grabbing my wallet and slipping it into my coat pocket. When I go inside, I walk up to the front counter. "What size?" the lady asks me, giving me a kind smile. "Size 7 please," I say. "That'll be nine dollars," she says as I hand her the money. She hands me my change and I go over to the bench to tie up my skates.

Before I step out onto the rink, I look out onto the ice. There's a couple little hockey kids wearing jerseys, a guy in a black jacket skating by himself, and a few couples. It's pretty empty tonight, but that's nice because I won't have to worry about running into people. I take a breathe and step onto the ice, letting it glide underneath my feet. It takes a second to adust myself, but before long, I'm skating along just fine. I'm about to pass the hockey benches when the door swings open. I don't have enough time to react, so I end up face planting into it and then falling onto the ice. "Oh jeez! I'm so sorry!" It's the guy with the black jacket who was skating alone. "Are you okay? Here, let me help you up."

He helps me onto the bench, sitting beside me. "I'm really sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention and I-do you want me to get help?" I shake my head, my face already turning bright red at getting attention from him. He's pretty good looking, seems about my age. "You should watch where you're going," I say, pretending to be grumpy and trying to lighten up the mood. He pales a little bit, worried that he's offended me. "I'm kidding," I say. "I'm Heidi, by the way. Heidi Everard" I hold out my hand . "Brandon Saad," he responds, returning the hand shake. "I knew I recognized you!" I say, my eyes widening as I connect his face to the one that wears number 20 for the Hawks.

"Do you want to skate around a bit together?" he asks, a bit shyly. "I promise I won't knock you over." I smile, "Sure, I wouldn't mind that at all." We skate together until public skate is over, talking about ourselves. He tells me about playing for the Hawks and I tell him about visiting Laura. "Small world, huh?" he says, smiling at me. "Sure is," I say smiling back. By the time I leave the rink, his number is in my phone and mine in his. When I get back to the condo, I change into my pajamas and get ready for bed. My phone buzzes with a new text right as I slip under the covers. I open it up.

From: Brandon

To: Heidi

Hey :) Wondering if I can see you again?

I smile as I type back.

To: Brandon

From: Heidi


~Hey everyone! I hope you liked my updates tonight. Come say hello to me on instagram! @cappelliphotos ~ 

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