Part Thirty-Two

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Kayla's POV

I want to tell Erica the truth, but something inside of me can't quite force the words out. When I say I'm having trouble trusting people, she asks, "Are you having trouble trusting Patrick?" I can't hurt her like this, make her go against her own brother. I shake my head, "No, I'm just...I don't know. This week has just been hard." She gives me a hug. "Maybe we should just do some stuff together today, hang out. Maybe we could go shopping?" 

I nod. "I think that would be fun." She stands up and helps me to my feet. "Well why don't you get ready and we'll leave in ten minutes." She heads out of the bedroom and I go to fix my makeup and hair. Ten minutes later, we're in my car heading out to Oakbrook. I notice Patrick's car is no longer in the garage, but I don't really care where he is right now. Because after last night's event, all I can think is good riddance. 

Heidi's POV

I roll over in bed and smile at Brandon, his hair all messed up against his pillow. He's so adorable. I hear a loud knock on the apartment door and wonder who it could be. Laura and Jonathan are still in Sochi and I don't think anyone would be visiting. It's only nine in the morning, anyway. I get up and put my robe on, tying it in a bow at my waist. When I open the door it's him.

My heart drops to my feet as he looks at me, eyeing me in my robe. "Guess you can't hide from me," he says. I shake my head slowly and whisper, "Get away from me Spencer." He keeps walking towards me, entering the apartment and pushing the door aside as I back slowly away. He puts his hands on me, his nails making little crescent moon shapes in my skin. And that's when I can't take it anymore. There's only one thing to do and so I scream. 

Laura's POV

I feel something in my hand and I hear Jonathan's voice, but I feel too weak to say anything or open my eyes. He places something in my hand and I can tell by the way it feels, that it's a puck. "I scored a goal for you," he says and I feel him place a light kiss on my face. I can hear him crying and I slowly close my fingers around the puck, trying to get his attention. But then it's back to darkness and a loss of feeling as my mind closes in on itself. 

Patrick's POV

I raise my hand to get the bartender's attention and wave my glass at him. "Another one please." He pushes over the drink as I hand him the money and I quickly down it. The alcohol burns my throat but it takes away the pain of hurting Kayla. After this morning, I've spent the whole day away from the house, afraid to see that disappointed look in her eyes, to think of the twins who might one day know their dad as the cheater. I steer clear of the girls at the bar tonight, making sure that my drunken haze only surrounds me.

I check my watch. 11:30 pm. Sighing, I get up from the bar. I should probably get home. Maybe Kayla and I can talk things over. I walk over to my car parked in front, the floor seeming to move under my feet. Slowly, I put on my seatbelt and exit the parking lot. Everything seems blurry, but I've driven after having a few drinks before. After all, it was only a few drinks. 

Brandon's POV

I wake up to an empty bed, wondering where Heidi went. We didn't do anything last night, just talked and went to sleep, and even though I've only known her for a few days, I feel like I'm in love with her. I get up from the bed, fixing the covers before I head off to find her and just as I reach for the bedroom door knob, I hear her scream.

It makes prickles in my skin, causing the hair on the back of my neck to stand on end. And then I'm sprinting towards the sound of her scream and all I can think is something's wrong, something's wrong. 

Kayla's POV

Despite feeling a little better not having to talk with Patrick, something nags me about him being gone. I haven't seen him for the whole day and as I crawl into bed at 11:40 pm, I can't help but wonder where he's gone. "Maybe he'll be back in a couple minutes and we can talk," I think, sighing to myself.

I grab my phone from the night stand and hit my news app. I read the first caption that appears on the page and see that it's local news. "Single car-crash tonight, driver may be dead." And as I stare at the picture under the headline, I know why it looks so familiar. That's Patrick's car. 

Jonathan's POV

I see her fingers curl around the puck, gently closing like a morning daisy after the sun leaves. "Laura?" I whisper, gently brushing her hair aside. No response. Another wave of emotions hits me as the doctor walks in.

I stand up right away and open my mouth before he can say anything. "Is she going to be okay?" He hesitates, looking at my face with a neutral expression. "I'm sorry Mr. Toews, but we're just not sure. This may be time to say goodbye."

~You may need to buy more tissues at the rate this is going. Leave your comments below! Oh and a little spoiler alert: someone just might die. ~

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