Part Eighteen

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*Game Night*

Becca's POV

I get up from my bed feeling like complete crap. I must have fallen asleep after crying, and as I glance at the clock on my bedside table, I see that I have three hours to get ready and get to the UC before the game starts. I trudge to the shower and turn the water on as hot as I can stand. With the pressure pouring onto my back and sinking in my skin, I let the tears flow again, mixing in with the water droplets that fall onto my face. Dr. Miriam said that the cancer could be removed, but what if there are complications or something goes wrong and it comes back? I think back to my mom. They said she was going to be ok, that the cancer would not come back anymore, and then one day it did and they couldn't save her because it was too late. 

I do my hair and makeup at home, making sure that everything looks exactly as it should so that I can be the perfect package that the fans want to see. I swipe on one last coat of mascara before grabbing my bag and heading out to my car. I drive to the UC and head into the ice girls dressing room to get ready. I don't say anything to the other girls, who are all chatting and helping one another, as I slip on my uniform and lace up my skates. We're supposed to skate around and clean up the ice after the players warm up, so I wait in line to go on. As I step onto the ice, I plaster a huge grin on my face. They can only see what's on the outside. They can't tell that I'm dying on the inside. 

Jonathan's POV

We gather in the locker room, everyone dressed in their gear, thumping their sticks on the ground. We walk out into the arena, the fans already screaming. I grin with excitement. They aren't lying when they say that the UC is the best arena to play in. It's home. 

Patrick's POV

I turn on the tv to channel nine and smile as I see Pat Foley and Eddie O on the screen. Seems like the boys haven't missed me too much after all. We've beat the Penguins and the Stars shouldn't be that hard to deal with. Jim sings the anthem and I get the same shivers that I normally do when I'm waiting to play at the UC. Then they announce the goalie matchup and I do a double take. Did they just say that Kami is goalie tonight? Where's Corey? Sure enough they pan the camera back to Kami skating around in front of the net and stretching. Hmm, I wonder why she's playing tonight, not that I'm not proud of her. I've seen her play in some of Rockford's games and she's pretty good. She's got the same flexibility as Raanta, if not more and she has the ability to track that puck like a hawk. Tazer takes center ice along with Seguin and as the ref drops the puck, the game begins. 

Andrew's POV

We're winning 2-0 after the first period. Kami made the most amazing save. Jamie Benn had shot one right at her and it seemed almost that it would for sure go in, but at the last second, Kami reached her glove out and snatched it from the air just as the final horn sounded for the end of the period. I give her a fist bump before skating back to the bench to get ready for the second period. Before I get there, I skate past Becca, who's shoveling up the ice. "Hey there," I say, skating up to her and winking. She's looks up at me and gives me a sad smile. "Hey Andrew," she says quietly and then looks away. "What's wrong?" I ask, confused and concerned for her. She's normally peppy and upbeat. Now she just looks tired and scared. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. She shakes her head and gives me a better smile. I can tell it's fake though because her eyes don't crinkle at the corner like somone who is truly happy. "I'm fine. Really." She skates away and leaves me standing by the bench. 

Becca's POV

I skate away quickly before I start crying again. I can't drag Andrew into this. It just wouldn't be fair.

Heidi's POV

I sit on my bed, my empty suitcase next to me. I'm supposed to pack for my flight that is in two days, but all I can think about is Spencer. His words, "You weren't worth it," and how they crumbled my heart to pieces. He's only the third guy I've been with and it was my first serious relationship. I remember when everything was happy, when we were first in love and everything was amazing. This past year though, something changed in him. He constantly had mood swings, first telling me he loved me, the next telling me to leave him alone. Sometimes when he was drunk, he would try to hit me, throwing things at the wall, shattering glass. I would hide in my room, afraid to anger him even more. Even though he scared me at times, there was still something that drew me to him, that section of my heart that still loved him.

Yesterday something just completely flipped in him, I guess. I came home from shopping and went to his apartment to surprise him with a jacket that I had found for him. I dropped my stuff in the front enterance, then carried the bag to the bedroom to surprise him. That's when I found him in there with another girl. I gasped and dropped the bag before the words came hurling out of my mouth. "Spencer, how could you?" The look in his eyes said nothing. He just looked at me and said, "You're not worth anything anyway." I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the apartment, hailing a cab, blinded by the tears already falling down my face by the time I closed the door. 

Laura's POV

It's the third period and we have two minutes left. Kami has managed to block every shot the Stars have thrown her way and I'm quite impressed. We've got four points on the board and Saad wins the faceoff. It gets turned over to the Stars though and I watch as Tyler Seguin skates fast towards Kami, puck on his blade. He shoots and misses, but continues skating until he slams in Kami, knocking her helmet off and causing her head to hit the goal post. 

Kami's POV

I watch Tyler as he skates towards me. He's going to go top shelf. I recognize the body language from practice this morning with Keith's shot. He shoots it, but misses, yet he keeps skating fast towards me. He crashes into me and I feel my helmet fly off. My head hits the goal post, a ringing sensation already filling my ears. I feel myself start to black out, but not before Tyler says, "You were never meant for the NHL. Get out." Then the whole world goes dark. 

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