Part Sixty Four

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Brandon's POV

I knock gently on Heidi's door. She's been quiet lately, ever since I tried to cut again. I can tell she's on edge and I want to make it up to her, make her stop worrying about me and just get to love life again. She looks up from the book she's reading. "Hey," I say, giving her a little smile. "Hey," she says back. "What's up." I bounce onto the bed with her, cuddling her up in my arms. "You wanna go out somewhere? Just for fun? We haven't done anything like that in awhile." She thinks about it for a moment, her head tilted to the side as she looks out the window. "You know what? I'd love to." 

I slip on my jersey, already knowing where I'm going to take her and then head out to the front hallway where I sit down on the bench and wait for her, my skates in hand. When she comes out after getting ready, I find myself cracking up.

She's wearing her Saad jersey too and her eyes crinkle as she sees that we're matching, her little giggle escaping her mouth. "Guess we had the same idea huh?" she laughs and I shake my head. "Go get your skates so we can go," I tell her with a grin. She gets them and comes back, taking my hand with hers and holding her skates with the other. I lock the door and slip her a little kiss as we head out to the car, the warmth of the May wind tickling our faces. 

Patrick's POV

I wake up alone in bed, the breeze waking me up like a slap across the face when I realize that Kayla isn't back. I need to fix this. I don't even know what I did wrong honestly. I was just talking to Kris Versteeg on the phone and suddenly she comes in yelling about how I don't love her and how she can't trust me. I feel like our relationship is sometimes slipping apart and right now is one of those times. I shake my head. Snap out of it Patrick. You dug this hole, now you have to get out of it. 

I dial her number, listening to it ring. I know she's mad at me, but I pray that she will pick up. Please, please, please. After the fifth ring, she does, but her voice is icy as she answers. "What do you want?" "Kayla, please," I start. "Patrick, why are you even bothering right now?" she asks, angrily. "You said I wasn't worth it and that you didn't want me right now. If I'm not worth it to you, just let me go then. I'll just raise the twins by myself."

I flashback to what I was talking about on the phone when she walked in. "Wait, wait, Kayla, what makes you think I didn't want you? Are you talking about the phone conversation?" "Yes," she replies bitterly, her voice starting to get choked up. "I could hear how you kept saying now wasn't the right time and how it wasn't worth it and everything like that." I shake my head, silently laughing at how overboard this has gone. "Kayla, I wasn't talking about you at all. Steeger is trying to sell me his car and I was telling him how I don't want it right now, how i don't want to spend money because I want it to be for the twins."

She's silent. "Really?" she says, her voice a low whisper. "Don't fucking lie to me Patrick, I swear to god, I've already had enough." "I swear on everything I could possibly swear on Kayla. Honest to god, I wouldn't tell anyone that you're not worth it because you mean everything to me." I can hear her crying a little bit into the phone. "Kayla?" "I'm sorry," she chokes out. "I rushed to conclusions and I probably seem so stupid right now."

"Sweetie,"  I say, "It's ok. You didn't know what was happening and it was all a rush. But will you at least come home? Please? I miss you." "I'll come home," she says, her voice a bit clearer now. "I missed you too." I allow myself a little smile. "I'll see you when you get home then," I tell her. "Love you lots." "Love you to the moon and back," she says, as she hangs up and I smile. She's coming back. My heart starts pounding a little bit even though we've only been seperated for the night. To me those few hours seemed like a lifetime and now I want her back, to stay. I love you Kayla. 

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