Part Thirteen

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Kayla's POV

"Mrs. Goldburg, we have some news for you.." No, no Patrick is not dead. He can't be. My heart is pounding, blood rushing to my ears. I crumple against my car in the parking lot. "What's the news?" I ask, afraid already to hear my worst fear. "Let me transfer you over to another person so that they can tell you," the woman on the line tells me. "Hi Kay," I hear next. The voice is little more than a whisper, but it's one I would recognize anywhere. "Patrick," I say, my breath rushing back. "I want to see you," he says. "I don't know what happened." "Patrick," I say.  "I'm coming. Don't worry. I'm coming." My hands are shaking as I unlock my car and put the key in the ignition. He's ok, he's ok, he's ok. I hit the gas, and drive. 

Andrew's POV

By the time I get to my apartment, Becca is still blacked out. My heart is thudding as I lift her out of the passenger seat and carry her to the elevator. When I get to the door, my roommate, Nick Leddy, opens the door and yawns. "Uhhh, Shaw, care to explain something?" he says, gesturing to Becca in my arms. "Dude, I have no idea what even happened." I say, carrying Becca to my bedroom and gently placing her on my bed. I turn to him. "One second we were just dancing and drinking and the next thing I know, she's all woozy and then she blacked out." He checks her pulse, places a hand in front of her nose to check her breathing. "What the heck..." he says, then his eyes light up. "When you were drinking, did someone put something in her drink?" he asks. "I saw a girl like this at a party once and I saw a guy slip something into her drink once." I think back to the club. My mind flashes back to the incident with Dominique.

"Crap," I say. "Dominique was there, and she was mad at me when I turned her down and I bet she saw Becca and you know that she would do anything, she's that crazy," I blurt out. Leddy nods. "She probably slipped some date rape drug or something into Becca's drink, thinking that she could get you into trouble or harm Becca. I think she'll be okay, just let her sleep it off. I'm going back to bed, so see you in the morning." He trudges back to his room and I look at the clock. It's two in the morning. I change out of my outfit and into boxers and a tshirt. I slip under the covers and tuck Becca in. Before I close my eyes, I pray. Dear god, please let her be ok. 

Corey's POV

When we get to the police station they take my mugshot and fingerprints, then seat me in the jail cell. The cold steel bars slam shut and I'm left staring at a concrete wall. Hours seem to tick by, but when I look at the clock, the only fixture in the room, it's only been half an hour. The police officer comes back to me at three in the morning. "Someone's bailed you out." he says, gruffily. He unlocks the jail cell and leads me out to the front office.

Kami's standing there, looking tired, worry lines fixed on her forehead. She rushes over and hugs me when I get to her. The police officer holds out some papers. "I need both of you to sign these." I scribble my signature and Kami neatly writes hers, then we get to leave. When we get into her car, I turn to her. "Kami, can we-" I start. She turns to me and kisses me, her hands wrapped tight around me, the kiss intense. "Thank you," she says. "You saved me."

We drive home in silence and when we get back to our apartment, she holds my hand and leads me into our bedroom. We fall asleep in each other's arms, her fingers entertwined with mine and the sweet smell of her perfume filling the room. 

~Hi Guys! Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm trying to decide what college I'm going to and my week has been really busy. I'll be uploading a long chapter tomorrow though, so thanks for bearing with me!~

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