Part Seventeen

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Becca's POV

It feels like my world is crumbling around me. I have cancer. The air is sucked out of me, all feeling in my hands and feet lost as my skin pales. "You're actually quite lucky," Dr. Miriam says. "We actually caught the cancer early, so we can get rid of it." She shows me the procedure that will occur and has me sign some forms. We schedule the appointment for the surgery on Saturday, three days from today.

I drive home silently and plaster a fake smile on my face when I get to my apartment, so that the doorman doesn't see how I feel. The second I get into my apartment, I run to my bedroom and fall onto the bed, the sobs heaving out of my chest, threatening to drown my body in its own tears. I look up at the picture of my mom on my bedside table. She died from breast cancer herself when I was just fifteen years old. That's why my dad spoils me so much, buying me fancy gifts, like my car. I touch the picture, letting my fingers drift across her face, her eyes twinkling with unawareness of the event that has befallen her daughter. "Mom, please help me." 

Kami's POV

We have practice before the game, so I do my goalie stretches and get on all my equipment, then make my way out onto the ice. I skate around in front of the goal, roughing up the ice a bit, and then stretch my legs a bit more. Coach Q sends the boys to practice shooting on me. The only one to get one past me is Duncs, who somehow manages to slip one past my left shoulder. Jonathan taps me on the shoulder after I catch his slapshot. "Nice catch, Kami. Good luck tonight!" He skates off to go talk to Laura, who's at the bench diagramming some plays and conferencing with Coach Q.

I feel like I'm ready for the game, but I'm really nervous. I've practiced the moves in my head and watched videos of the Stars shooting on Corey, but you can never really experience what being a goalie is really like until you're in the actual game and you're reaching out a blocker pad to stop the puck from crossing that line. And to add to all the drama, Tyler Seguin, my ex, is going to be playing against me. We had a good relationship in the beginning, but things got a bit rocky at the end and I broke up with him after he started being verbally abusive. He never believed in me being able to ever make it to the NHL, he said it wasn't something that a girl could do. Guess I'll show him tonight. 

Heidi's POV

I get out of the cab and unlock my front door, stumbling into the living room and falling onto the couch. I can't believe he just did that. I open my Iphone and dial the number 19, my speed-dial for Laura. She picks up on the second ring, but I'm already sobbing into the phone. "Heidi, what's wrong?" she asks. "Sp-spen-cer broke u-up with me," I tell her, choking on my own words. "Oh Heidi, I'm so sorry," she says, a sound of pity escaping from her mouth. "He told me I wasn't worth it to him," I sob even harder into the phone. I hear a little gasp on the other end of the phone. "Oh hell no, he did not tell you that," Laura gripes. "You know what, hang on, I'll call you back in one sec." I stare at the phone after she hangs up. I need her help right now and she just leaves me like that?

The phone rings five minutes later and I hit answer, wiping my nose on a tissue and trying to rub my eyes dry. "Heidi," Laura says, "pack your bags because you're coming to Chicago in two days. No ifs or buts about it because I want to see you and I think now we could both use each other's company. Don't worry about anything ok? It's all on me. Stay strong and call me anytime you need to, even if it's the middle of the night or during a game. I'm here for you. I'll see you soon!" I say goodbye and hang up, then check my email like she told me. I open the message from her and inside is a ticket sheet to print that has a first class ticket for Thursday on it. I look at the ticket and smile a bit. Maybe things can get better. I hit the home button on my phone and the screen fills with my background of me and Spencer at the ice rink, holding hands. It triggers the tears again and the last words he said to me, "You're not worth it." 

~Just a short chapter for tonight. Hoping to update somemore tomorrow!~

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