Part Twenty

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Kami's POV

I wake up and the first person I see is Corey. "Hey," he says. "Hey," I whisper back. "Is the game over yet? I want to go play." I try to sit up, but he gently pushes me back down. "They won thanks to you. You got the first star of the game babe." I groan. "I can't believe I got knocked out in my first NHL game. You know that some idiot is probably going to take that and say that girls can't play in the NHL now." I slump down in my bead, my head hurting. "You know that's not true," Corey says as the doctor walks in.

"Dr. Wesley," he says, reaching out his hand and shaking Corey's. He comes over to my bed and checks the reports hanging from the end of my bed and from the machine. "How's your head feeling?" he asks me. "It hurts, but it's bearable." I say, grimacing as another throb of pain echoes through my ears. "Well, according to these test results, you should be able to go home tonight. Your team doctors will be checking in with you tomorrow, but you don't have any head trauma or any broken bones. Just be careful with the bruised area." He removes the bandage from my head and unhooks the monitor from my arm, then has me sign some papers stating my release. Corey helps me up from the bed, and I slowly stand up, my head spinning a bit. "Do you feel ok enough to go home?" he asks. "I'll stay here with you tonight if you don't want to." I shake my head. "I want to go home."

He helps me out to the car and drives us home. When we get inside, I go into our bedroom and change into a silk camisole and a matching pair of shorts, then slowly get into bed. Corey feeds our golden retriever, Puck, and then changes into a pair of pajama pants. He slips into bed with me and I fall asleep with his warm arms wrapped around me, keeping me safe. 

Becca's POV

Andrew shifts in his sleep and I fall off the couch. I give a little squeal of surprise as I hit the ground and he wakes up and grins at me. "What are you doing on the ground?" he laughs. "Oh you know, just hanging out," I smile back. "So what are the plans for today?" he asks. I bite my lip and don't make eye contact with him. "They have a surgery to try and remove the cancer," I whisper, feeling the tears build up in my eyes. He wipes one of my cheek as they start falling down. "Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm here. Do you want me to come with you?" I look up at him and nod. "The appointment is at 11 am, but you don't have to come if you don't want to. I know you have more important stuff to do than worry about my problems."  "You're important to me," he tells me. "Don't ever forget that."

He stands up, ruffling his hair in a failed attempt to fix it a bit, then reaches down a hand and pulls me up. "I'm going to go home and shower, but I'll come right back for you okay?" He leans down and gives me a kiss before enveloping me in a hug. "Bye beautiful," he says as he closes my apartment door. I smile at the closed door, already counting down the minutes until he's with me again.

I go to pick up the flowers that he left by the door last night, then fill a glass vase with water. I place the roses in the vase and put them by a window so that they can enjoy some sun. I smile at the thought of Andrew calling me beautiful. To me, that's so much more than hearing "You're so hot," or "Damn you're smoking," which is what I get a lot of the time. I know that the flowers were meant to cheer me up, but looking at them just reminds me that even beautiful things must once die. And as I think of Andrew's words, I hope that I won't be one of those things so soon. 

Kayla's POV

I wake up the next morning, and head over to the hospital. As I pull into the parking lot, I smile. Patrick finally gets to come home today.  I've been missing a lot of work lately because of Patrick's injury, but the management team over at the UC understands. As president of the managing district I really wish I could help, but Patrick is important to me. I park my car and walk to the building, where I check in at the front desk. I make my way over to room 88, the route already memorized in my head. As I push open the door, I see that the bed is made and no one is in the room. My mouth feels dry and my head starts to spin. The woman said that Patrick was still checked into this room, but he's not here and a made bed in an empty room only means one thing. I fall to the ground and start crying. He's gone, Patrick is gone. 

~Do you think Patrick is really dead or has something else happened? Find out in the next chapter!~

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