Part Forty Six

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Kayla's POV

I heat up some milk on the stove, letting it simmer for a bit before turning the heat off and grabbing two mugs from the cabinet. I fill each mug up with milk, then stir in some cocoa powder, the white turning to a rich brown color. I place two plates of toast and eggs onto a tray along with the mugs and carry them carefully to our bedroom.

Patrick is still asleep when I walk in, his blond hair messed up, the white covers half-covering his bare chest. I balance the tray carefully in one hand and open the door to the balcony, the April wind waking me up a bit more. I set the tray down on the table and admire the city for a minute. At seven o'clock, it's already bustling with life, people on their way to work, to loved ones, or just out for fun. I go back inside and grab one of my Hawks sweaters from the closet slipping it on over my camisole and pajama pants, before walking over to Patrick. I give him a little kiss to wake him up, his blue eyes slowly opening as his lips touch mine. "Morning," I say softly, giving him a little smile. "Morning," he says back, pulling me in for another kiss, wrapping his arms around me, his stomach touching my belly, his lips gently caressing mine.

I take his hand and lead him out of bed, towards the balcony. We sit on the outdoor couch, me sipping my hot chocolate while leaning against him. "Hey Patrick?" I say, putting my mug down. "Yeah?" he says, through a bite of toast. "Are we getting married one day?" He doesn't say anything and I wonder if I've scared him. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

"I think" he says, taking a sip of his hot chocolate, "that one day we will. But I don't think that day is right now. I don't want to force it just because we're having kids and because people think we should. I want to make it special for you, for both of us." I hold his hand, tracing the lines on his palm, and he tilts my head up towards him. "You know I love you, right?" "I know," I say as he leans in and gives me a kiss.

"I have to get ready for practice," he says, standing up and grabbing his plate. I listen to the shower turn on in the background, the sound of him shuffling through the closet. My hot chocolate has gone cold, but I drink it anyways, the air becoming warmer as the clock ticks on. I want him to stay, to be with me forever, to know that he's not going to ever leave and so I run back into the bedroom to give him one last hug and kiss before he leaves. But he's already gone.

Laura's POV

I put on my skates and glide around the rink, waiting for the team to get here. Kami gets here first so I help her practice blocking shots. Patrick shows up when about three-fourths of the team is there and I notice he has a black eye. "Jeez Pat, what happened?" I ask, skating over to him. "Your fiance is what happened," he says grumpily. "Oh good lord" I say, grabbing Jonathan as he skates by. "Both of you, penalty box now." I skate over with them and make them sit there together. "I don't know what's going on between you two," I start.

"Laura, there's no-" Jonathan starts, but I shut him up with an annoyed stare. "As I was saying, I don't know why you two have to fight, but until you get over it, neither of you is practicing today and if you don't figure out how to work together, I'm not having you play in tomorrow's game. Have fun explaining that to the rest of the team." I close the penalty box on them and skate back to the team to work on drills. "Laura, we're not babies!" Patrick yells at me over the glass. "You kind of are, Pat!" I holler back.

Patrick's POV

I cross my arms and lean against the back of the box. If anything, I'm not apologizing to Jonathan. We sit there silently, watching the team run through drills. Coach Q skates over and opens the door to the box. I start getting up, thinking he's going to let us play.

"Really disappointed in you boys not being able to play tomorrow. You're letting down the team," he says, before closing the door and skating back to the practice. My mouth drops open in surprise. He seriously won't let us play? Over an argument? I grit my teeth. I'm just going to have to deal with it and apologize. "Look, I'm sorry," I say to Jonathan.

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