Part Twenty-Six

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~One week later~

Kayla's POV

Patrick and I are making breakfast when the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," I say, placing the plate of pancakes down on the table. "Make sure you don't burn the house down while I answer the door!" I tease him. Patrick may be gifted in the hockey world, but he sure can't cook. "Hey! I've got skills you know!" he yells back at me as I walk down the hallway. "In your dreams!" I yell back, laughing and opening the front door. "SURPRISE!" I almost fall over from shock and then start screaming with excitement when I see who it is. 

Kami's POV

Only two more days until we leave for Spain! I've been to France and Ireland before, but not Spain and from what I've seen on the internet, it looks amazing. There's no practice today, so Corey and I are packing for our trip. I throw in a couple pairs of denim shorts, a bunch of tank tops, a little black dress, a red dress that Corey loves, and a couple of my favorite bikinis.

I rummage through my drawers and pull out a couple of t-shirts and jeans as well as a few sweaters in case it gets cold. I throw in my favorite Hawks shirt and baseball cap, then go into my closet to grab the Victoria's Secret bag full of new underwear and bras that I bought on a splurge this week. Spain is, after all, quite a sexy country, and I don't think that Corey will have any objections to anything I bought. 

Patrick's POV

I'm concentrating on not burning the bacon and eggs when Kayla goes to answer the door. She starts screaming so I forget about the food and rush to the door to help her. When I get there though I see she's not in danger at all. In fact, she's hugging a group of girls. My mind takes a minute to process the scene before me. Is that really...? As if in answer to my question, one of the girls hugging Kayla breaks away from the group and runs towards me.

"Patrickkkkkk!" Erica crushes me in a bear hug, and Jessica and Jacqueline follow her, yelling "SURPRISEEEE!" "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, smiling from the excitement. "Well," Jacqueline says, "we wanted to come visit and we figured that we might as well surprise you guys and - wait what the heck happened to you?" She points to the brace on my leg with the stitches that run up the side of my leg and on one of my arms. I shrug, "I got, uh, hit by a car. I mean, it's not a big deal. I'm ok." "You got hit by a car and you didn't tell us or mom and dad?!?" all three of them yell at me. "Guys, guys, really I'm fine," I say, patting them on their backs. Jessica hugs me again. "I'm even more glad we came now."

"If you guys want to have breakfast with us, you're totally welcome to stay," I tell them. "In fact, you guys can stay in our guest rooms if you want." They all nod excitedly and follow me back into the kitchen, with Kayla bringing up the rear. 

When we get to the kitchen, we all pile up our plates with the food and settle down around the kitchen table. "So what do you three have planned for today?" I ask my sisters. They all look at one another and shrug. "I don't think we actually had anything planned," Erica says. "What are you guys going to do today?" "We, uh, have a doctor's appointment...well at least Kayla does," I say blushing a little bit. "Oh, you're not feeling ill, are you, Kayla? We wouldn't want to bother you if you are," Jessica says, looking worried. "No, no, it's for a good reason," Kayla says, giving me a look that says should we tell them?

Jacqueline seems to read her face and she looks down at Kayla's stomach under the glass table. Kayla's wearing a tight tank top today and her little bump is visible. Jacqueline's face lights up when she figures it all out. "Ohmigosh, are you guys having a baby?!?" Kayla and I both nod, unable to hide the huge grins on our faces and they all start squealing with excitement. They start throwing questions at Kayla, like how long has she known and is it a boy or girl and when will he or she be born? Kayla tells them how today will be our first ultrasound and they all just sit there, amazement in their eyes at the thought of becoming aunts. 

Corey's POV

Kami thinks I'm at the gym, but I had to tell her a little white lie to get away from her. I walk into the store and give the clerk my name. She goes into the back room and pulls out a package and hands it to me. I give her my platinum credit card which she swipes and then hands back to me. I sign the receipt as she wraps up the package and puts it into a bag. After thanking her, I head home, planning how to keep Kami from seeing what I have. 

Kayla's POV

As I lie on the examination table waiting for the nurse, I realize that Patrick and I haven't told anyone, besides me telling Jonathan, about our pregnancy. "Hey Pat," I say. He looks up from his phone. "Yeah?" "I just realized that the only other person who knows about our pregnancy besides you, me and your sisters, is Jonathan." He looks confused. "How does Jonathan know?" I look down at the floor feeling a bit upset as I tell him. "I thought I was going to lose you that night that you got hit by the car and I told Jonathan that I was pregnant and that you couldn't die." I almost start crying at the thought of being back on that night, but Patrick comes up and hugs me, holding me tight against his warm t-shirt.

The nurse comes in and starts preparing everything for the ultrasound. Patrick holds my hand as she lifts up my shirt and smears the cold gel on my little bump. It tickles a bit as she rubs the little monitor up and down and a fuzzy image comes on the screen. "Did you want to know the gender of your baby today?" she asks. I look at Patrick and he shakes his head. "I think we want it to be a surprise I say." "Ok, well here's what I'll do," the nurse says, putting down the monitor. "I'll let the front desk know the gender of your baby and they'll put a slip of either blue or pink paper into an envelope for you to pick up on your way out and then when you are ready, you can find out the gender of your baby." She smiles at me, and Patrick squeezes my hand as he gives me a little grin.

The nurse finishes the examination and prints out a picture of the baby. It's all fuzzy, but I know that that's our future child in my stomach. Patrick and I stop by the front desk to pick up the envelope that the nurse told us about. As we drive home, I turn to him and say, "Can we actually find out when we get home?" He laughs at me, "You never have any patience, ever." I laugh, too. "I'm just really excited!" "Me, too," he says, "and we can definitely find out when we get home." 

When we get home, Patrick's sisters are unpacking their stuff. "Hey guys!" Patrick hollers up the stairs. "Do you want to find out the gender of our baby?" They come running down the stairs in a hurry. I hand Patrick the envelope. "Here, you open it. I'm too nervous." "I can't either," he says. "Here one of you do it." He passes it to Jessica. She opens it and holds it out to Jacqueline who pulls out a slip of blue paper. "Oh my gosh, we're having a boy!" Kayla says, hugging me.

"Wait!" Jessica yells. She holds out the envelope to Erica, who pulls out a pink slip of paper. "We're having a girl?" I ask, confused, now. Jessica pulls out a white slip of paper and turns it around so that Kayla and I can read it.

Kayla covers her mouth when she sees it, her smile unable to contain itself and I almost fall over as I hug her. The three words on that slip of paper have just made my life a thousand times better. I look over at Jessica, who's still holding the paper and grinning with Erica and Jacqueline, and read it again, unable to believe my eyes. "You're having twins." 

~One more chapter coming up tonight! Hope you guys are liking it so far!~

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