Part Forty Three

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Brandon's POV

I finish taking off all my equipment, then shower and get dressed. I leave instructions with the equipment crew on how I want my stuff set up for tonight's game, then say bye to the rest of the guys and head out. I'm supposed to meet Kylie after the game for drinks.

I met her a few days after Heidi went back to Toronto. She flirted with me a bit after a game, and we went on a date and just kind of hit it off. I still miss Heidi because she was one of the only people I've ever felt really understood me, but I try to put her out of my mind because I know she's not coming back, especially not to me.

As I turn the corner, I see a piece of paper by the trashcan. I go to pick it up and throw it out, but I see it has my name on it and I open it up and start reading it.

Dear Brandon...

Andrew's POV

We don't have to show up until an hour before the game so I go back to the apartment to see Becca. "Hey," I say, giving her a hug when I get into the apartment. "I missed you." "Missed you, too," she says, pulling me in and giving me a kiss. There's been a weird tension in the apartment and this feeling of sadness that just clings around. Both of us know that she's leaving soon, but neither one of us wants to accept reality.

"You know what?" I say. "Why don't we just go and do something fun. I know you're leaving, but I refuse to let that ruin the rest of our time together." "Where do you want to go?" she asks, giving me a half-hearted smile. I think about it, then pin-point the perfect place. "Shedd Aquarium. We'll go on a little date," I say, smiling at her. "How bout we both get ready and leave in half an hour?" She nods and goes off to get ready.

As she's getting ready, I go into kitchen and reach under the kitchen cupboard, pulling out my present for her. I got it the day after she told me she was leaving and I think today is the day I want to give it to her. I take my present and bring it with me into the guest room as I get ready, throwing on a button down shirt and some dark jeans. I throw on my black jacket and tuck the box into the pocket, then go back out into the apartment to wait.

In half an hour, Becca meets me back in the living. Her hair is wavy, and she's wearing a pale blue flowy long sleeve top and white jeans, complete with black booties and a black bag. Dangly earrings glitter from among her wavy hair. "Ready to go?" I ask. "Yep," she says. I grab my keys and we head down to the garage to get into my car. 

When we get to the Shedd, we both want to see everything. We go to a shark exhibit, see a dolphin show, and even get to pet a turtle. We go to the jellyfish exhibit last. It's an exhibit where you walk into a dimly lit room and all the walls are glass, so you can see all the jellyfish swimming around in the lit-up water. The purple and pink tones of their bodies look like floating lanterns and I can tell that Becca loves it, the way her eyes light up and the way she walks slowly around the room.

We go in a full circle and then stop back where we started. I reach into my coat pocket and pull out the black box and hand it to her. "I got this for you. Hope you like it." She carefully undoes the white ribbon and opens the box to reveal the delicate gold bracelet with the little star in the center of the chain. I take the bracelet from the box and clip it around her wrist. "You can make a wish on the star, you know. Maybe it'll come true." She hugs me and whispers in my ear, "I wish I didn't have to go."

Kami's POV

Everyone's getting ready for the game and the locker room is busy as I get my gear on. Corey grabs my helmet and hands it to me. I smile and give him a little kiss. "Good luck tonight. You're going to be great." "Thanks," he says, standing up as the team lines up to go out. I follow him and get in line and we start heading out to the roaring crowd. 

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