Part Sixty Two

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(Reupload because the second part didn't upload last time) 

Andrew's POV

Ugh. I feel all numb and gross, like I need a hot shower. I lean over to slap my alarm clock, then realize that it's not even ringing and that this definitely does not look like my room. What the heck? Jonathan stares back at me when I turn around. "Jesus Christ Jon. What the heck is going on?" He glares at me. "How could you do that to yourself? Suicide, Andrew? Really?"

The memories of last night come flooding back, making my brain a little foggy as it becomes cluttered with the rush of images. "Oh great," I mutter to myself. "You're lucky it was only cough medicine," he continues scolding me. "Why couldn't you just let me go?" I snap at him, making him draw back from me. "It's not like anyone here cares about me anyway." I cross my arms, feeling like a little kid in bed.

His eyes soften at my words. "Andrew, you know we all care about you..." "Then how come no one asks me if I care about Nick dying or Becca leaving me, first in our relationship and then by dying. How come no one asks how Andrew Shaw is doing? How Andrew Shaw feels like he's failing at everything in life? Like he has no purpose?" I feel so stupid yelling at him, when he is trying to prove that I did something I shouldn't have, but I don't care anymore. "Jonny, no one cares okay. Just give up on me."

He shakes his head. "I'm not giving up on you Andrew and neither is anyone else on that team." A nurse comes in, giving us a little smile. "Mr. Shaw is free to go," she tells Jonathan. "If I could just have you sign these papers." She holds out a clipboard with release papers to him and he quickly scrawls his signature on it, giving her a head nod when he hands it back. "Come on," he says, gesturing at me to follow him. I grudgingly get up and follow him, knowing that he won't give up until I follow his instructions. 

We drive in silence back to my house, the radio filling the car with Jonny's country music. "Why are we listening to this?" I mutter and he silences me with a look. "Hush." 

The apartment still feels as empty as ever when we get back and Jonny follows me in. "You should probably shower," he tells me. "Taylor's gonna be here soon." I freeze up. "Who the hell is Taylor?" I ask. "Oh, I got you a therapist," he says casually. "What?!" I yell out. "I don't want to talk about my feelings with someone," I mutter, glaring at him. "Well it's for your own good. The team decided on it."

"Ugh," I moan. "I hate you guys." "Yeah, yeah ,we love you too Shaw, now go shower before she gets here." I slump off to the shower. Seems like he's going to force me to go through with this and I need a shower anyway. But he can't force me to like this Taylor chick. I refuse to. Nope, nope, nope. 

Kayla's POV

"I can't see my feet," I giggle at Patrick as he's fixing up part of the nursery. "Figures," he laughs. "Your belly is getting huge." "Only a couple more weeks," I say, giving him a little smile and looking down at my belly. He leans down from his ladder, giving me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I really can't wait to meet them," he says. "And I have the perfect gift."

He gestures to the box on the changing table. It's been there a week but he won't let me open it. "Come on, Pat," I whine for the millionth time. "I want to see what it is!" He gives me one of his signature foolish grins. "Nope, you have to wait to see it just like they do." "Ugh, you're such a butt," I complain and he shakes his butt at me, causing me to crack up. "Weirdo," I call him as we both laugh about our immaturity. "I swear we're both five year olds." 

We finish up in the nursery and neither of us seems to know what to do with our free time. "No practice today?" I ask. "Nope," he replies, shrugging. "Practice tomorrow morning for the game though. You're coming right?" His blue eyes question mine and I nod. "You know I come to every game," I reply and he gives me a little kiss on the forehead, wrapping his arms as far around me as he can. "You do, don't you." "Wouldn't miss them for the world," I whisper back. 

"You know what we need," he says. "Just some you and me time. We hardly get to have that and neither of us has to do anything today." He takes my hand and leads me over to the couch, where he pulls me down onto the cushion next to him. I lean my head down in his lap, curling up as best I can and he pulls a blanket over the two of us. His fingers gently play with my hair as I snuggle up against him.

He starts up a movie on the tv, but before we watch, he leans down and gives me another sweet kiss and it makes me think of when we first fell in love and how that love has been here ever since. "I love you, Patrick," I tell him and he gives me a little smile back. "I love you more, Kayla." 

Corey's POV

All morning Kami has refused to get out of bed and I know it's because of the miscarriage. It hurts me too, but I know I can't do anything to bring the baby back. I just have to put it in the past and keep a part of my heart open for a new baby, if that's even a possibility at this point. Right now, we're both just hurting too much to even consider our options. 

I slowly enter the bedroom and crawl into bed. "Kami?" I ask, gently. "Will you please get up?" She mumbles something and rolls over, tucking the covers further over her head. "Pleaseeeee," I ask and this time she answers clearly. "I'm never getting out of bed again." "Kami, come on now," I say, trying to pull the covers down. Her tear stained face looks back at me. "Don't you realize how much this hurts," she whispers to me. "How horrible I feel that I killed our baby?" I shake my head slowly. "Kami, you didn't kill that baby and you know it."

Her chest heaves with another sob. "Yes I did Corey, I know I did something wrong. It's all my fault. I'm not meant to be a mother." I wrap my arms around her and pull her in close to my chest. "Stop saying that, please," I say. "You're going to be an amazing mother and we both know it. Maybe now is just not the time of place for us to have a baby and someone decided that for us, but I don't want you blaming it all on yourself." Her cries keep going, but they're more muffled now as she cries into my shirt. 

I reach towards her face and slide a tear off, looking into her eyes as they plead with me to tell her that everything is going to be alright. "One day, we're going to have an amazingly little family and you're going to completely love it," I tell her. "Really?" she whispers, a single tear making a last ditch effort to run down her face. "I know for sure," I say as I pull her close again, her small hands on my back, my promise for our future in her mind. 

Brent's POV

I pace back and forth in front of the door. Maybe this is too weird, or we're not close enough to do this. Heck, she didn't even tell me the date, I just found out from her facebook account and maybe this is weird, but whatever. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and ring the bell, my face turning pink to match the bouquet of roses that I'm holding. 

She opens the door in a satin robe, her hair loosely falling in waves around her shoulders and her makeup done in a pretty, girl-next-door kind of way. "Hi," I say, unable to say anything else with my breath taken away from me. "Hi," she beams back. "Are those for me?" I snap back to reality and hand her the flowers. "Oh yeah, happy birthday! These birthday-I mean leaves-I mean flowers are for you." I turn pinker as I stumble through my words and she laughs, taking the bouquet from me and going into the house.

I follow her in as she goes to the kitchen. "These are beautiful, Brent. Thank you." She grabs a vase from under the sink and puts the bouquet in it, setting it out on the dining room table. "How did you even know it was my birthday?" she asks, with a small smile as she walks back towards me. I shrug sheepishly. "Uh, a little bird told me?" I squeak out and she laughs, giving me a little kiss on the lips. "Smart bird." 

"So I was wondering," I say. "Would you want to come to my place for dinner tonight? 7 pm? To celebrate?" She pauses for a moment weighing her options. "I promise I'm a good cook," I say quickly and she giggles. "Sure, I'll come over for dinner. It'll be fun." "I'll see you then," I tell her, giving her one last glance before I say goodbye. "Bye Brent," she says, waving at me.

She closes the door and I lean my back against it, sucking in all my breath as if I've never had oxygen before. Something about Joy just does that to me. I'm going to make sure she has a spectacular birthday. But what should I do now? Hmmmm, what will make it special? 

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