Part Fifty Three

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Brandon's POV

I hang my head as I walk into the apartment. We're two games behind the Blues now and we're only in the first round. How are we supposed to be two time champions if we can't even get through the first round this year? Heidi walks up and gives me a hug. "I know you tried your best tonight Brandon. Don't beat yourself up about it." I sigh and brush my hand through my hair. "I just-I could have done so much more," I moan. "I could have been a better teammate." She shushes me by placing her lips on mine, her hands wrapped around my arm. 

The two of us fall onto the couch, my hands reaching for her shirt, lifting it above her head, throwing it to the ground. Her hands quickly unzip my pants, my hand reaching into them and pulling out a condom before they fall to the ground. And as her lips reach mine again, I sigh. Don't leave me Heidi Everard. Not now, not ever. I need you. 

Patrick's POV

I drag myself from the game and into my house, dumping my stuff onto the ground. We've lost the first two games against hte Blues and I feel like absolute shit. I make my way to the twins' room and lie down on the carpet, the letters still lying there. I trace the words and start crying again. I don't care how long it is. I will never get over Kayla and the babies' deaths. It was all my fault. How can I ever find forgiveness for that?

I take out my phone and turn it on, Kayla's face filling the screen. "I'm so sorry, Kay," I whisper, touching her cheek on the screen, my face streaming with tears. "I'd do anything to have you back. Anything." I laugh bitterly to myself, all alone in the apartment. How stupid I must look, sitting here, talking to myself, wishing things that can never happen. I laugh some more. Stupid, stupid Patrick. "I hope you're happy up there," I yell towards the sky. "Thanks for taking what mattered to me." The laughter mixes with my tears, the salty taste running into my mouth. 

My back hurts from sleeping on the carpet, so I pick myself up and go to the bedroom, the room I haven't slept in since she died. I peel back the bed covers, and slowly get in, the bed feeling cold and lonely. As I turn off the light and tuck the covers around me, I shiver. I hate being alone like this. I just want you back Kayla. Please. Please come back. 

Jonathan's POV

I fix my black tie and brush my hair. "Laura, are you ready to go?" She sighs a bit, then slips on her black heels. "I'm ready." I take her hand and we walk slowly out to our car, silently getting in and driving to the funeral sight. Avery died the night after we visited, the cancer finally taking over her little body. When Laura heard, she cried for hours. There was a special connection between her and Avery, from the moment they met, during Avery's special game night, till that last night where she held Avery's hand.

We had to leave that morning and Laura didn't want to leave, but Avery's parents told her that she didn't have to stay if she had work. I could tell how reluctant Laura was to leave, and when her hand slipped away from Avery's, she almost started crying again. It was that night that Avery passed away and we got the phone call. 

As I park the car, I look over at Laura. A tear slips out of her eye as she looks down at her lap, and I gently brush it away. Her watery brown eyes look into mine and I hold her hand gently. "You did everything you could to make Avery's life amazing. And you know what? You need to make her proud because she's watching down on us now." She gives me a little tiny smile as we step out of the car and make our way into the funeral home. I look up at the sky before we go in through the door and whisper towards it. "Don't forget us Avery. I hope you're flying happy on your angel wings."

~ Some of you got my clue in the last chapter. so good job! You'll of course have to keep reading since I can't tell you what happens next though. I'm going to be on vacation until the 9th, so no new chapters until then. I will be writing on the way there and back though, so expect daily updates when I get back! Thanks!~

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