Part Forty Five

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~April 7, 2014~ 

Laura's POV

It's one week before the wedding, but we already have a ton of celebrating going on this week. Jonny's bachelor party is tonight and so is my bachelorette party. I'm also going for the final dress fitting today and then I should be able to bring the dress home. I slip out of bed and go to get ready.

I shower, get dressed and start doing my makeup, and then a wave of sickness hits me. I end up throwing-up, but I feel confused now. I never get sick, and I haven't felt sick this week or been around people who are sick, so why do I feel like this? I splash a bit of cold water on my face, then re-do my makeup, the small wave of nausea gone now. 

Jonny gives me a kiss on the head as I'm making breakfast. "Morning," he mumbles, filling a mug with coffee for himself. "Ready for some fun tonight?" I ask, handing him a plate of breakfast and grinning. He gives me a little smile, "Yeah, it'll be fun. Do you know where you're going?" I shake my head. "The girls said it's a surprise. How about you?" He frowns. "Well Pat was in charge of it, until we started fighting, so I'm assuming someone else took over it."

I give him a look. "You guys are seriously still fighting? Really?" "Laura, he compared you to Lindsey, and we all know, you're not at all like her." I prickle at Lindsey's name, but I give Jonny a shrug. "He was drunk. You never know what Pat is going to say when he's drunk. Just don't do anything stupid if he shows up to your party tonight, ok?" He sighs. "I'll try, but I can't really promise anything." I roll my eyes at him. "You two are such five year olds, you know that."

"I just want to protect you from being hurt," he says quietly, his fork tapping against his plate. I give him a kiss. "I know you do," I say as I grab my bag and car keys. "See you later," I tell him. "Heidi, time to leave!" She comes running into the kitchen and grabs a croissant from the counter before heading out the door with me.  "Bye," Jonny says as we leave. 

Brandon's POV

I roll over next to Kylie and kiss her good morning. She gets up to get ready and while she's in the bathroom I reach for my pants on the ground and grab the note from the pocket. I slowly unfold it, the creases wrinkled from it being balled up when I found it and I start re-reading it for what might be the hundredth time. 

Dear Brandon,

I don't know how to say this, but I made a mistake when I told you I had to leave you...

Kayla's POV

"Kayla, it's been a week. Can we talk about this?" I shake my head at Patrick. "Go away, Patrick. There's nothing to talk about." My phone buzzes with a new text and it's Laura saying that she's outside. I grab my stuff, and leave Patrick alone in the condo. 

"Hey," I say to Laura and Heidi, getting into the car and buckling up. "Hey," Heidi says, noticing my tense face. "You okay?" I try to breathe a bit slower, be a little bit calmer. "Yeah, Pat and I are just fighting." Laura turns to me surprised. "Seriously. Is that boy fighting with everyone? He is definitely going to have to deal with me tomorrow at practice." We drive and pick up Kami and then Becca, before heading over to the dress store. 

When we get there, Miranda hands out all the bridesmaids dresses so that we can try them on. While we all head to the dressing rooms to try them on, Miranda takes Laura to her dressing room to help her put on her dress. 

Becca's POV

I slip on my dress, the cool fabric easily slipping down to the floor. I'm wearing the heels that Laura gave all the bridesmaids for the wedding and the dress hits just right. Laura had the store order dresses that had lace cap sleeves instead of the ruffled ones and they look gorgeous. I twirl around in it and smile in the mirror. I wish Andrew could see me like this. 

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